Wednesday, July 05, 2006

wentworth miller is not gay !

If that's true (that he's gay), then why would he describe his ideal girlfriend and dates with women in current magazines? (Check out this months Inside TV mag-he talks about his date and women-yes women). If someone were openly gay with family and friends and not the public, they would at least not make such obviously heterosexual comments in magazines and interviews?

Let's just back up, OK? It is true. Wentie used to date a girl, maybe even two. But Tom Cruise dates and marries and supposedly impregnates girls all the time. Need I say more? As for Perez Hilton - the people and the gossip on his forum might be suspect at times, but most of what Perez dishes HIMSELF is pretty accurate. His 'not so blind item' about Wentie included a photo and a snippet about how he's come out to his family and his friends. And it's STILL ON HIS SITE. Gossips - Perez is really, really popular. You can't print that sh*t on a blog that receives over 150,000 visitors a day and not expect to get sued if you're not air tight with your sources. But the most telling point is this: If he's NOT gay, and he's an up and coming actor in Hollywood with a big time breakout show, why the hell aren't his publicists lining up lawsuits and washing this thing down??? Please don't tell me it's because he's 'above' the rumours. No one is above the rumours. This is Hollywood. Not your backyard

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