Friday, June 30, 2006

The sexiest women alive - Keeley Hazell

simply sexy - for jeron
lousy luck!

Especially for my best fren Yati !

This video is for my breast , i mean best friend Yati !
Keeley Hazell Tribute by Steo O'R.

nude keeley big breast
Crazy Golfing with Keeley

big breast keeley 36D
Keeley Hazel sexy photo shoot

sexy sexy sexy
how i feel for keeley

Keeley Hazell is my favourite model
Two Twinks in White Briefs
A Brief Encounter
Shower Guys

oh my gawd

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Babes FIFA World Cup Germany 2006

come on girls

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Brain Test
i took this test and i found that >>>


Clarissa, you are Balanced-brained

That means you are able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres of your brain, depending upon a given situation. When you need to explain a complicated process to someone, or plan a detailed vacation, the left hemisphere of your brain, which is responsible for your ability to solve problems logically, might kick in. But if you were critiquing an art opening or coming up with an original way to file papers, the right side of your brain, which is responsible for noticing subtle details in things, might take over. While many people have clearly dominant left- or right-brained tendencies, you are able to draw on skills from both hemispheres of your brain. This rare combination makes you a very creative and flexible thinker. The down side to being balanced-brained is that you may sometimes feel paralyzed by indecision when the two hemispheres of your brain are competing to solve a problem in their own unique ways.

What Item from Victoria's Secret are you?

try this >>>>

My Results:Thong
You are a wild, crazy, sexy girl!
You love to have fun and you were definitely
the first one in your class to lose your virginity!

Oh My Gawd!!!!

Which Designer Brand Name is Right for You?
i took the test and my results >>>>

Your Results:Gucci

oh la la!! you love to wear diamonds silver, white dresses....amything like evening dresses! but you can be casual and look like a million bucks too! you are very sexy and love to show your tanned skin! Gucci is your perfect match

How pretty are you?
I tried this test and >>>>

Your Results:You are gorgeous!!!
CongraTulations! You are more than just beautiful, you are GORGEOUS!
You love to buy pretty clothes, but sometimes you spend a fortune!
Lol. Well overal, you have a good personality, unless you are a mean snob.


Your Results:
Cute - Paris Hilton

You love to keep your look girly and pretty and you have a great sense of style.
You keep your outfits basic and feminine, yet throw in some pretty accessories
to complete the look.


The Glamourous Louis

Which Louis Vuitton purse are you???

Your Results:
The Glamorous Louis
You are the Glamourous Louis!! Very girly.. u like pretty things.. and the color pink!! U r totally cute and ur purse reflects that!

go try this test >>>>

What kind of eyes do you have?

Your Results : Sunrise
You have sunrise eyes. Sunrise is the color of joy and elation. Your eyes symbolize your general sense of wellness. Your confidence and high self-esteem each and every day make you the person people want to be around. You are a very creative, passionate, and sexual person. You are not afraid to tell people what you think of them, whether good or bad. Some words to describe you: self-assuredness, out-going, busy, cheerful, bright, amiability, courage, successful, creative, personable, happiness, motivational, optimistic, strong, and aware.

What's the difference between German, Dutch, and Swiss chocolate?

By searching on "what is" and then "German chocolate," "Dutch chocolate," and "Swiss chocolate," we found a treasure trove of information about these confectionery varieties. The differences are subtle and are related to both brand names and nationality.

We were surprised to learn that the famous German chocolate cake doesn't have anything to do with the country of Germany. This rich chocolate cake first appeared in 1957 when a homemaker sent the recipe to a Dallas newspaper. Baker's German's Sweet Chocolate was the key ingredient in the cake. German's Chocolate dates back to 1852, when an American named Sam German created a sweet baking chocolate bar for the Baker's Chocolate Company. This new chocolate had sugar added to it, as a convenience for bakers. But that all important apostrophe and "s" were soon dropped from "German's."

In 1828, Dutch chocolate maker C. J. Van Houten invented the cocoa press. This machine squeezed cocoa butter out of the beans and treated the cocoa with an alkalizing agent to improve the color and flavor. The process became known as "dutching," and cocoa processed this way is called Dutch chocolate.

Swiss chocolate, on the other hand, simply refers to the confection's nationality. The Swiss are perhaps the European masters of chocolate and the pioneering chocolatiers in this mountain country have refined the making of candy into high art. Thanks to the output of their plentiful cows, the Swiss invented milk chocolate in 1875 and "melt in the mouth" chocolate soon after. Swiss chocolates won numerous awards in the early 20th century, which further solidified the country's reputation for fine chocolate.

Machen Sie den Tickle Intelligenztest und erfahren Sie alles über Ihren

Testen Sie Ihren IQ mit unserem klassischen Intelligenztest. Dieser Test ist der akkurateste seiner Art im Internet und war vormals ausschließlich Unternehmen, Universitäten und Psychologen vorbehalten. Jetzt können auch Sie Ihren IQ testen - kostenlos, persönlich und von deutschen Psychologen zertifiziert.
Unsere Premium Tests sind von Psychologen zertifiziert und entsprechen dem neuesten Stand der Forschung. Jeder einzelne enthält anspruchsvolle Fragen, die Sie zum Nachdenken anregen werden. Ihre persönliche Analyse am Ende des Tests ist speziell auf Sie zugeschnitten und wird Ihnen dabei helfen Ihren Zielen ein Stück näher zu kommen. Am Ende des Tests haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine personalisierte Auswertung zu kaufen. Zu Ihrem Kurzergebnis gelangen Sie über einen Link.


The Party Scene

All the things you love, set at sensory overload, the visuals, the music, the art, the fashion, combined with the raw buzz of being on the dancefloor and groping that special someone

Wow the parties in UK>>>

Check out the guy with big balls.

Being Happy

Primary Attributes of the 'Happy'
Emotional acceptance

What Are You Really Good At?

Welcome to Tickle's True Talent Test — the most thorough and insightful test for uncovering your real hidden talents. It's free, it's private, and it's developed by PhDs.By learning to tap into your true talents and you'll not only be more confident at work, you'll also be happier and more successful.Tickle's True Talent test assesses your skills in five primary areas: abstract reasoning, verbal ability, numerical ability, spatial ability, and mechanical ability.At the end of this test you will receive FREE RESULTS


Clarissa, your confidence level is high

I took the confidence test, i expected myself to be rated over-confident;
but not too bad . hehe.....

As a result, you may tend view yourself as a wonderful, lucky, or energized person. However you probably also have your days when you don't feel so hot. After all, you're only human. Because of your usual high level of self-acceptance and belief in yourself, you're generally open and accepting of others. People who come in contact with you likely appreciate this generous nature and may seek out your company. Your intelligence seems to be the trait that you most value in yourself of the five main traits that affect confidence. You also seem to appreciate this characteristic in others.

W O N D E R F U L !

The Confidence Test

Tired of people not taking you seriously or underestimating your ideas? Do you wish you could make decisions faster and more efficiently? Then it's time you took a real look at your confidence level.Although you may not realize it, your confidence level has an enormous effect on how you make your way through life. The confidence you project affects the first impression you make, how people treat you, and whether or not they trust you. Your confidence, or lack thereof, can also keep you from making good decisions by undermining your belief in yourself. So learn how to put your best foot forward every day. Don't let past experiences or irrational self-doubt hold you back. Increase your confidence, and see how people start treating you as you deserve.

Take me to this test right now >>>

The Sigmund Freud psychology test

What if you could go back in time and trace the root of most of your problems to specific events in your childhood? And what if, by doing that, you learned how to overcome obstacles that have been holding you back from finding the perfect relationship, job, or true happiness?Sigmund Freud was one of the most influential thinkers in the psychology community. He claimed that your most pronounced personality traits are also the ones that cause you the greatest trouble in life — whether you know it or not. And beyond that, his theories, and this test, can trace your dominant personality traits to their roots — to one of five developmental stages of childhood.Find out which developmental stage of childhood still affects you today and start on your way to a happier, more successful future. Take the test! >>>

Are You a Risk Taker?


I took the test and the results show that i am >>>>>

"Clarissa, you're a Total High!"

Well aren't you just the silliest thing? You can definitely be off-the-wall and don't have a problem doing things other people think are goofy, which probably means you're looking for lots of fun and excitement when you take risks. And chances are you recognize that the best thing about fun risk-taking is that you don't threaten your physical health but still get to enjoy yourself.

How true !!! It is so fun reading about myself .

and the test results also revealed i am also >>>>>
When it comes to physical danger, you're willing to take some pretty big risks! There's probably not much you won't try at least once — you may even be known for being first in line. While it's fine to be on the lookout for excitement and new experiences, your tendency toward danger should be moderated with some common sense. Use your head before you take any serious risks — we want you to have fun, not break your neck!

and and and i am also >>>>>
Boy, are you an emotional risk-taker! They haven't invented a life-changing, emotional challenge that scares you. Some people might be afraid to confess a crush or be the first to say "I love you," but you go for it every time. That makes for an exciting, often fulfilling journey through life, as long as you don't put too much of yourself on the line at once.

Oh man ! the results are so true !!

Guy Kawasaki's Entrepreneurial IQ Test

Everyone's got a bit of entrepreneur in them. But do you really have what it takes? Author, entrepreneur, and managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, Guy Kawasaki created this test to assess if you've got the basic knowledge you need to make your dream a reality. Want to start the next Google? Betsy Johnson? General Electric? The Body Shop? See how your business savvy stacks up.

Goto >>>

IQ test
This quiz is provided for entertainment purposes only; it is not an IQ test. This score will not qualify you for Mensa. The questions on the "Mensa Workout" are biased towards people whose primary language is English. Mensa offers culture-fair testing throughout the world. Many of the questions on the "Mensa Workout" require you to have a graphical browser. The test is still enjoyable for those with text-only browsers, but your overall score may be considerably lower than it might be with a graphical browser.

You have half an hour to answer 30 questions. Answers to the questions and discussion of the answers are provided at the time you submit your answers. While there is a 30-minute time limit to take the test, the amount of time you actually take in no way affects your final score. This is due to the differences in transmission times on the internet, and server loads. If you have metered access to the Internet, once the Mensa Workout page is fully loaded into your browser, if you wish, you may disconnect from the Internet. When you have completed the test, you can then reconnect to submit your answers and receive your score.

goto >>>

Thursday, June 08, 2006


Sorry girls but it had to happen at some point, Football is about to invade our lives for the whole of this month! I know that some of you like to watch the sport, but I am pretty sure most of you can't wait for it to be over with. So I have decided to give you a few tips on how to survive World Cup 2006.

Basic Knowledge:

- You must show support for the team in red. Unless they have a player called Raul upfront, apparently he plays for Spain!
- Each half lasts 45mins, and you get 15mins in between to try and talk to your other half.
- Don't worry about the off-side rule, it's too hard to explain and it makes men feel clever if they know it and you don't.
- The game may go to extra time if the score is level at the end of 90mins. The teams will play for another 30mins, after which, if still level, will go to penalties. England don't have a good penalty record in big tournaments.

That's the very basic knowledge you need to know. And here are five things to say and not to say whilst watching a game with your man:

- If England aren't playing very well - "COME ON ENGLAND!, remember '66"
- If an England player falls down near the opposing goal and the referee doesn't blow his whistle and point to a white spot infront of the goal - "Are you blind ref !?!"
- When England score - simply jump up and down screaming. Stop when everyone else does!
- If England loose - "I don't believe it, we woz robbed", then comfort your man
- If England are knocked out by penalties in the semi-final against Germany - just walk away, no amount of comforting talk or hugs will bring your man out of a deep depression for the next month or so.

- If Beckham comes up on the screen - "Corr, he's gorgeous, I wouldn't mind seeing his golden balls!"
- When you're only 10mins into the game - "When's half-time?"
- When England have just scored - "Have we won, can we go shopping now?"
- If your man asks you to fetch him a larger from the fridge so he doesn't miss the game - "What lager? We've ran out"
- If England loose - "Good, that's over and done with then, can we watch Desperate Housewives now?"

If you stick to Clarissa's 10 simple rules above you , you should survive this month. If you ever feel that you can't manage, I suggest you go shopping with some friends.

Good luck, and remember, keep on shouting "COME ON ENGLAND!"