Sunday, January 13, 2008

Siin me oleme

Location : Ischgl, austria
author : P

Teekond Austria-Šveitsi piiriäärse kuurortlinnani tundus lõputult pikk, kuna see tuli autoga läbida. Igatahes siis...600 km sõitmist läbi Saksamaa oli peale "paari" tundi läbitud. Ilma ummikuteta! Navigatsioon oli siiani suureks sõbraks olnud, seega sai päris kõvasti usaldust. WRONG! Ühel hetkel läks tee kuidagi väga lumiseks ja peagi selgus ka põhjus: tee sai otsa. Nimelt talvel ei lükata selle mägise teelõigu peal lund laiali, sest muidu oleks oht sealt sujuvalt allamäge sõita. Autoga mägironimine pole veel kuulsust kogunud siiski. Aga ega kui tee otsa saab, see ei tähenda automaatselt ka mõistuse otsasaamist. Alati on abiks kohalikega suhelda ja telefoneerida. Juhised käes ja oma suusamaja uksekood üles kirjutatud, asusime siis uuesti tuldud teed pidi sõitma. Selgus, et teisele poole mäge saamiseks tuleb teha 2 tunnine ring ja eks see tehtud saigi. Lõpuks kui kodu üles leidsime, uksekoodi õigsust testisime ja asjad maha laadisime, heitsime kohe magama ära, et eesolevat nädalat võimalikult reipalt alustada

Esimest korda suusaliftiga üles sõites oli lihtsalt VAU..need mäed! Kunagi sai küll käidud Põhja-Soomes Pyhä küla mägedes, aga Alpid on ikka teine tera. Ishcglis on päris palju suusaradasid, kusjuures enamus on keskmisel kuni kõrgemal raskustasemega. Seega päris algajatel võib päris hirmus olla esialgu, sest mäenõlvad on järsud, aga harjutamine teadupärast teeb imesid.
Enne reisi ei suutnud otsustada, kas valida juba ära õpitud suuskadega sõitmine või lumelauatamise õppimine. Kohapeal aga otsustasin, et tahan pigem nautida kui piina tunda ja läksin kergema vastupanu teed ning ei kahetse. Lõpuks oli päris kindel tunne ja viimasel päeval peaaegu ei kukkunudki enam. Lõpuks polnud ka must rada eriti extreme nagu brošüürides hoiatati...

Lumelaudurite peale polnud just palju mõeldud ega nende jaoks vaeva nähtud. Lumepark oli suhteliselt inimtühi, sest see oli hooldamata ning hüpekad olid liiga järsud. Lisaks olid osad rajad kohati "loiud", st et suusakeppide abil sai küll edasi, aga laudurid pidid laua alt võtma ja kõndima kuni järgmise laskumiseni või liftini. Osad nõlvad olid suusatajate poolt päeva lõpuks lausa liiga muhklikuks sõidetud, niiet põlved said kõvasti vatti.

Ilm oli iga päev TÄIESTI erinev! Esimesed päevad siras päike, siis paar päeva sadas lund ja nähtavus oli lausa häirivalt s*tt, mistõttu tuli päev varem õhtusse lasta. Viimasel päeval aga hakkas päike jälle elumärke näitama ja loomulikult ärasõidul siras täiega. Külma oli mäe peal kohati -10C, aga muidu suhteliselt talutav. Lumesajuga on suusamask vajalik, selgus viimasel päeval!

After Ski või Après Ski oli päris võimas. Kui suusaliftid suleti kell 16, algas kohe pidu. Musa tümpsus, tüdrukud tantsisid vallatult baarilettidel ning inimesed vihtusid suusasaabastes tantsu! Kui peale väsitavat spordipäeva ka veel hõõgveini või jägerteed tarbida, siis võib juhtuda, et näiteks kell 19 on noored juba magama läinud :D Seega päris iga päev ei hakanud seal suusasaabastega pidutsema.. paar korda oli täitsa piisav. Muul ajal sai külas ringi kooserdada, poode tšekata ja saunas käia. See oli kah üks väga omapärane kogemus... See oli juba kahtlane, kui administraator kinnitas , et ujumisriideid vaja EI OLE. No eks siis sai ühises riietusruumis rätik ümber tõmmatud ja sauna uudistama mindud. Duširuumid olid ka põhimõtteliselt meestel-naistel koos..eraldasid neid ainult sildid Daamide ja Härrade poole kohta. See aga ei tähendanud, et paljad vanamehed ei võinud ka naiste dušipoolelt läbi jalutada. Süüdimatult. Lõpuks selgus ka see, et saunalava oli kõigile ühine ja seal tuleb rätik enda istumise alla panna ning jaladki peavad rätikul olema.. Ehk siis ühel suurel saunalaval olid KÕIK, alates ilastest vanameestest kuni süütute lasteni välja. Loomulikult pidid venelased ennast sauna ukse taga ilmekalt väljendama ja Vasja kombel rõvedat naeru laskma. Lõpuks aga ei jäänud neil midagi muud üle, kui ka sisse astuda ja rätik tagumiku alla asetada.
Kuuldavasti pidi selline saunatamine Saksamaal päris tavaline olema. Samuti pidid noored neiud seetõttu sauna eriti mitte külastama, sest teadagi.. .teismeeas on niigi raske :)

Kokkuvõtvalt jäin selle suusakuurortiga ülirahule ja Alpid polegi nii hirmsad kui esialgu tunduvad. Inimesed on seal äärmiselt sõbralikud ja tegevust leidub nii diskotajale, romantikule, pizzatajale, fondüüsõbrale (juustufondüü oli päris njämma) kui ka Burger Kingi austajale. Hinnatasemelt, tõsi küll, on Ischgl üsna kallis, aga ma leian, et puhkust tuleb siiski nautida (kui võimalik) ja mitte sente lugeda ja kodus näppu imeda. Raha tuleb-raha läheb, aga mälestus jääb ;)

Destination - Spain

Hotel :Abama Ritz Carlton
Address : Carretera General, TF-47, km 9, Guía de Isora, Tenerife 38687 Spain Phone: (+34) 922 126 000

Abama, Tenerife, is a paradise of well-being where exclusiveness is apparent in every detail.

Located on a cliff top, it offers panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean. A careful combination of subtropical architecture and nature, which is present in all of its services.

Destination - Barcelona

Destination Information
Spain -
Weather jan 2008 6 deg to 13 deg.
Location : Marina 19-21, Barcelona 8005 Spain
Hotel : Ritz Carlton Hotel Arts Barcelona

Barcelona is the vibrant Catalan capital, a city with a rich Mediterranean culture and history and dynamic industrial tradition.

Located to the south of the Pyrenees Mountains, on the North East coast of the Iberian peninsula, Barcelona, is the second largest city in Spain.

Established by Hamilcar Barca as Barcino in the 3rd Century B.C., Barcino soon became part of the Byzantine empire. Barcelona was conquered in turn by the Visgoths and Moors, then reclaimed for Spain in the 9th Century by Charlemagne’s son, Louis.

Catalonia has a strong national spirit that has been tested throughout history. During the War of Spanish Succession in 1714, King Philip V of Spain demolished La Ribera (the merchant quarter) and forbade the use of Catalan. Just over two hundred years later, the Spanish Civil War ushered in another era of political repression as Francisco Franco ruled until his death in 1975.

Barcelona has become a destination for leisure travellers as well as the traditional business activity with a historic city centre and noteworthy cultural and architectural attractions.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Changi Airport T3 Architecture

Since it is a new year, i thought i like to do something different.
I always tell my friends i like to go somewhere i didn't go b4.(nice places of coz)
So today , i hop onto the city train (MRT) and went to Changi Airport Terminal 3 to check out the architecture and test my new LG Viewty KU 990 phone.
I was simply amazed by the photos that my camera phone can produce.

Write up from blogger "heirloom" Singapore Changi Airport's Terminal 3 will have a flat but intriguing roof consisting of many skylights allowing natural light into the terminal building. The roof will limit the amount of direct sunlight into the building through the use of louvres suspended above and below the skylights, filling Terminal 3 with diffused, ambient light during the day. At night, artificial light bounced off the ceiling creates a soothing and comfortable environment for passengers. This unique feature of Terminal 3 will also be seen by passengers waiting to collect their bags at the baggage claim hall.

Passengers using Terminal 3 can expect to move around with ease and minimum dependence on signages. This is possible as Terminal 3 will adopt a see-through layout concept, making it easier for travellers to orientate themselves. This is part of the four guiding principles adopted by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) when designing Terminal 3, namely, clarity, natural lighting, external views and maintainability.

Terminal 3 and its associated works will cost S$1.5 billion. It will add a capacity of 20 million passengers a year, bringing the total capability of Changi Airport to 64 million passengers till the year 2020. When opened in 2006, Terminal 3 will add another 28 aerobridge gates to Changi Airport, with up to eight that will be designed to handle the new generation of large aircraft, the A380.

Picotin - a St pierre restaurant

THE word 'picotin' may be French for 'peck' - a measure of grain used for feeding horses - but you can expect much more than stable cuisine at the Saint Pierre group's latest venture at the old Turf Club.

Picotin is the group's first family-friendly eatery - its alfresco area will boast a small kiddie playground next year once the restaurant-cum-deli operations are more settled. But for now, it's a kind of sports-bar/pizzeria/French bistro with horsey overtones.

The casually chic restaurant is the first outlet to open in Horse City, a cluster of lifestyle outlets very close to Turf City that will house a spa, fitness centre, riding school and a pet hotel once all the ongoing construction is completed. Right now, it doesn't look like much, with Picotin offering the only sign of life amid all the unfinished structures. But its away-from-it-all ambience and surrounding greenery make this place full of potential.

It's a joint venture with Sebastien Reuiller, who used to run his eponymous bistro in Greenwood as part of the Les Amis group. That no doubt accounts for the familiar bistro dishes like beef bourguignon, duck confit and escargots. But with chef Emmanuel Stroobant's input, the menu has wider international appeal with a large pizza selection, as well as some pastas.

Depending on your affinity with Singapore's weather, you'll find yourself veering towards the outdoor covered dining area fitted with patio-like wooden furniture, the bright alfresco (read unprotected from the elements) section that faces the prospective neighbours, or the airconditioned indoor area that is divided into a bar counter (with TV) and a smallish dining area furnished with tall tables and high chairs.

Just be warned that the high tables and chairs are more suitable for a quick drink and pizza rather than a full three-course meal.

As the restaurant has only been open for less than a week, the food quality is a little inconsistent. But one thing you can be sure about is the pizza - if you thought only Italians could make good pizza, you probably never had a Belgian chef try his hand at it. The pizzas (starting at $19 for a nine inch) have a paper thin crust with super crispy edges but an almost naan-like texture in the middle that holds its shape and gives you that yummy, chewy, yielding texture that is so hard to get with such a thin crust. Most paper thin pizzas are crispy and almost cracker like throughout, but Picotin's version somehow gives you a thin crust with a thick crust bite. We tried the palomino version which had artichokes, olives, mushrooms and tomatoes, but you can have whatever you want from tandoori chicken to bacon and eggs.

The rest of the menu is decent enough, if fairly predictable. The lobster bisque ($16) had good flavour with generous chunks of lobster and buttery croutons. The duck leg confit ($29) could have had a crispier skin but it was text-book tender and served with a generous salad and delicious lyonnaise potatoes. If there's one thing the French and Belgians know about, it's potatoes and Picotin might as well be potato heaven because every potato interpretation was delicious. Crunchy fat cut fries, rich mashed potatoes and dauphinois gratin, you name it, it was all starchy goodness.

Desserts still need fine-tuning. We only sampled one, the tarte tartine which was cold and soggy and very much un-tartine-like. But the last we heard was that San Marco's manager and pastry expert Roxan Villareal was going to overhaul its desserts so we look forward to the outcome.

Perhaps the beauty of being part of a group is that a new outlet can always look to its older siblings for help, much like a foal is nurtured by its experienced parents. With Picotin in good hands, one can expect a polished product pretty soon.

100 Turf Club Road
Tel: 6877-1191

Rating: 7/10

Wearomg soft underwear can make you happy

WHAT do water, soft undergarments and a smile do to you?

It gives you a happy and more active brain, say experts.

"The brain is composed of approximately 8% protein, 10% fat and 72-75% of fluid," said Khun Vanessa Race, a Harvard graduate with a Masters in neuroscience, who talked about how happiness is good for our brain.

That is why drinking lots of water helps, because its part of what makes you happy, and what makes your brain work better.

"Neurons are like plants, if you don't give them (neurons) water, they will shrink in size," Race explained.

Therefore, as neurons have to communicate by sending neurotransmitters through the space between them (the synapses), any shrinkage in size will result in this space becoming wider, making it more difficult for neurons to communicate.

"Drinking a lot of water actually makes you happier, because you can think a lot faster," Race continued.

In another research done by Prof Shigeki Watanuki from Kyushu University, he found out that our environment and what we wear actually have an effect on our brain activity through various physiological responses.

One of the interesting findings was that soft underwear might decrease physiological stress. "It was found that soft underwear decreases cortisol levels and increases the level of IgA (immunoglobulin A)," said Prof Watanuki, who is an expert in Physiological Anthropology.

Coupled with a comfortable environment and mentally stimulating food such as the essence of chicken, a relaxed person can have better brain function, he explained.

Have you ever smiled and instantly felt better? Race has an explanation.

One of the research she was involved in found out that besides making more friends, a smile could release endorphins in the brain and make a person feel happier.

When the brain is happy, it makes it more conducive to learn, said Race.

This story was first published in The Star on Dec 30, 2007.

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Food and wine

Info about Scotland

NEW YEAR IN THE ALPS - a super-festive

NEW YEAR IN THE ALPS - a super-festive
only UK pounds 269 per pax

Country: Austria
Area: St Johann-in-Tirol

This tour is ideal for beginners and advanced skiers and boarders alike. St Johann-in-Tirol is blessed to be at the centre of some of Europe's major ski resorts. It's own local resort is terrific for beginners and intermediates. It has 17 lifts and 65km of piste. It's ski pass is also linked to the close by resorts of Steinplatte and Fieberbrunn. Just as close are Austria's mega-resorts, the fabulous Kitzbuhel ski region as well as the country's largest ski area: Ski Welt. So you won't be spoit for choice.
We have a fabulous program of events daily - or choose to do your own thing. Our experience ski reps will be on hand to ensure you get the most out of your short stay. And if it is party you want - it is party you will get! Our New Years Eve party includes all your drinks!

Day 1 Friday December 28, 2007
Check in 6.00pm. Paddinton Station, Eastbourne Tce. Depart 6.30pm. Drive to Dover for late evening ferry to Calais. Night drive across Belgium into Germany.

Day 2 Saturday December 29, 2007
We drive south into Bavaria, around Munich and onto Austria. We arrive in the beautiful Tyrolean village of St Johann late afternoon. Check into our accommodation and get set for a few big days on the slopes. After organising your ski gear, join us for an optional first night dinner followed by our welcome to the alps party.

Day 3 Sunday December 30, 2007
Join our guided ski safari around the 65km of piste at St Johann. After lunch join us on a mountain pub crawl. It is impossible to get around all 19 mountain bars ? St Johann has the most gasthofs/bars per km of slope than any other resort in Austria! Apre ski at Max?s Pub.
Tonight: Fondu and bumboarding. A great night up the mountain. We take you by taxi up to a mountain restaurant for a dinner swiss style. Then it is onto the tiny plastic plates and bumboard back into St Johann village. Option: cost 20 Euro.

Day 4 Monday December 31, 2007
Want to try something different? Today we head to the spectacular resort of Steinplatte, only a 25min drive from St Johann. The skiing here is fantastic with its huge open bowls as well as its great views of over the alps and onto Bavaria. You can, in fact, ski international and cross the border into Germany! Steinplatte is included on a 3-day St Johann ski pass.
NEW YEARS EVE PARTY: What a place to be for New Years! Our exclusive party at Bunny?s pub includes free beer, wine and selected spirits all evening. This is going to be seriously big!

Day 5 Tuesday January 1, 2008
A sleep-in is definitely in order! So after a late breakfast we check out of our accommodation and then depart our resort at lunch time for the drive back through Germany and onto Calais.

Day 6 Wednesday January 2, 2008
We are due to catch a ferry from Calais to Dover, docking around dawn. Depending upon traffic and clearance time through customs, we should have you back at Paddington early morning and in time to head straight to work - for those who are up to it ...!

Whats included?:
Transport, accommodation, our great NYE party and breakfasts are included in the tour price.

What to bring:
warm clothing, ski gear, passport, spending money

Suitable For:
Everyone welcome


Reason for supplements : Note that ski passes, ski/board hire, clothing and insurance is not included.

Pickup Option :-
London - 6:00 am
Paddinton Station, Eastbourne Tce.
Return Option :-
Eastbourne Terrace


Hotel Permon, High Tatras, Slovakia

Country: Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Area: High Tatras

We offer accommodation in comfortably-furnished single and twin-bed rooms (extra beds available) and in luxury suites, with a total capacity of 286 beds. All rooms feature a TV set, radio, telephone and refrigerated minibar
Catering is provided using the buffet service system, and our rich selection of dishes will gratify the most discerning of guests
Here in the Hotel it is possible to organize congresses, symposiums, seminars, business meetings and family celebrations. We have
The Grande Hall (with capacity 500 persons)
and various conference rooms available
for these purposes
(seating 200, 120, 59, 40 and 25 persons).
If you enjoy dancing to traditional dance music, you can come to our night club, which offers an unusual view of the Hotel swimming-pool
Guests can enjoy sitting with friends in the Hotel cafe ?Lobby Bar? or in the cafe-bar beside the restaurant, where light meals are also served. The cafe-bar also offers billiards and games for children. There is also a new Children's Corner with various games and climbing frames suitable for both older and younger children
PERMON'S PARADISE is a new and quite remarkable complex of steam and water baths
An inimitable atmosphere of complete relaxation is created through herbal and eucalyptus inhalation, Roman baths, Finnish sauna, revitalizing icy rain, the
bear pit, prehistoric world and tepidarium.

The ?wild river? section in particular completes the perfection of the whole complex with its intimate corners, massage chairs and recliners,
and jacuzzi beneath a starry sky
Following a day-long mountain hike or some other sporting activity, you will surely appreciate the comprehensive relaxation services of our Hotel. Your tired body will certainly benefit from a massage, whether classical or underwater, a sauna, whirlpool or jacuzzi bath, peat compresses.

At your service we also have expert cosmeticians, hairdressers and advisers who are sure to be able to satisfy all your requirements
Other additional services enhancing our guests' enjoyment of their stay are:
Hotel pool (25 metre length),
our automatic two-lane bowling alley,
two tennis courts, mountain bike and scooter hire centre,
ski equipment hire centre,
weights room and gym

Whats included?:
The price includes: accommodation / night, breakfast ( buffet ), swimming-pool

What to bring:
swimwear and smile..

Suitable For:
Everyone welcome,Kids and families,18 ? 35s,Groups,Corporate groups,Individuals,Couples,Backpackers / students / independent travellers

The operator has suggested the following travel options

Travel Available: Self Drive / Bus / Fly
Flight Information: We recommend

Directions: take a taxi from airport