Thursday, June 22, 2006

Are You a Risk Taker?


I took the test and the results show that i am >>>>>

"Clarissa, you're a Total High!"

Well aren't you just the silliest thing? You can definitely be off-the-wall and don't have a problem doing things other people think are goofy, which probably means you're looking for lots of fun and excitement when you take risks. And chances are you recognize that the best thing about fun risk-taking is that you don't threaten your physical health but still get to enjoy yourself.

How true !!! It is so fun reading about myself .

and the test results also revealed i am also >>>>>
When it comes to physical danger, you're willing to take some pretty big risks! There's probably not much you won't try at least once — you may even be known for being first in line. While it's fine to be on the lookout for excitement and new experiences, your tendency toward danger should be moderated with some common sense. Use your head before you take any serious risks — we want you to have fun, not break your neck!

and and and i am also >>>>>
Boy, are you an emotional risk-taker! They haven't invented a life-changing, emotional challenge that scares you. Some people might be afraid to confess a crush or be the first to say "I love you," but you go for it every time. That makes for an exciting, often fulfilling journey through life, as long as you don't put too much of yourself on the line at once.

Oh man ! the results are so true !!

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