LONDON: This is a city where money seems to melt in my pocket. It is more expensive for most things than Paris or New York — hotels, public transport, taxis, eating out — especially eating out. My rule of thumb is that a pound in London has roughly the same value as a dollar in New York or a euro in Paris.But THREE TIMES the singapore dollwah ... wah wah .. In Paris you can count on finding a neighborhood bistro where the owner pretends to be rude to everybody and serves sublime food. In New York, the home of pastrami, you can't go far wrong with a deli. But eating out well on a tight budget is a challenge that even street-wise natives find daunting.
After spending 10 solid days in London and Bath, England ,eating hotel breakfasts at 15 pounds per head.(thats $46.70 Singapore dollawh)
i came back to Singapore expecting my everyday breakfast to be of that standard.
no way can i find that.
i found out after monster mash (originally from england , and they have a franchise here in singapore )thru a review last year june 2007 , but didn't get a chance to get my ass over to holland village .
but if you are to treat me pizza at Da paolo , i get there in 3 minutes... haha
so long didn't get to chitty chatty with Edgar , the friendly and cute Filipino waiter from manila.
also, i wouldn't mind flying 12 hours (yes 12 hours) there just for a traditional full british set meal/
even if you dine at Ritz carlton singapore or Hilton Singapore (lousy food ) .
it's different .... people are different , waiters lagee more indiferrent lor.
perhaps Sloane court Hotel Singapore would be calling me for a meal there.
Sloane Court hotel is the closest you can get to britain.
everything is exactly the same. only the management happen to be chinese folks and the weather is different.
the taps , the bed and the creaky wooden floor downright to the half wall teak parqueting with flowery cornices above your head.
Is Sloane court hotel still there or tear down for En Bloc oradi ??
it is somewhere off orchard road .on Balmoral road.
message to URA >>> you do not DARE tear down that old english charming son of a colonist past house .
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