Just had dinner with my friend at Raffles Hotel,
It is very funny ....but that's life.
There's a saying,
It is a funny thing about life.
If you refuse to accept anything but the best
you very often get it .
he complained the service was not good enough.
do rich people always have to complain and complain ??
guess they pay much and expect everything to be perfect .
as for me , a cheap skate , i find the beef too salty , the water too cold , the fork too big for my tiny hands, the chair too hard, the lights too bright, the beef too expensive , the waiters over friendly, the raffles mocha frappe not nice .
BUT I DON'T DARE TO COMPLAIN ! coz i am contented ..
perhaps i should learn from my friend and start picky on everything .
all my rich friends are like that .
they have extremely high standards and they set the hurdle only they themselves can reach .
imagine having a $33,000 watch . that is like one whole year of my salary !!!
and as if that's not enough . 4 cars ??
one car for each day of the weeK?? oh my god .
and not to forget , he plays golf 5 times a week ...
the rich justs get richer ////Lifestyles of the rich and dont want to be famous
i think i will ask him to lend me $10000 tomorrow..
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