1. What swear word do you use the most?
ShitBollocksTitsArse, all in one breath. I don't use anything more provocative unless I really really need to make a point.
2. Do you own an iPod?
Nope...not a big fan of Apple products...It's crap anyway. Everyone knows Creative Zen is better...I am expecting to receive an MP3 player at some point of time though.
3. Who on your MySpace Top 8 do you talk to the most?
I'm really slow when it comes to keeping up with my messages.
4. What time is your alarm clock set for?
5.00am during the week...I don't set an alarm for the weekends unless I need to be doing something important and my dog is my alarm clock. He will bark when the newspaper delivery ugly guy comes .And i know that is 5.00am .
5. What color is your room?
Erm...just let me scrape the dirt off them walls to find out...Hehe...Actually, it's really a prwetty room. I am hoping to get my own place soon, and haven't quite decided on the colours yet. But don't start panicking, I have impeccable taste!
6. Flip-flops or sneakers?
Depends on what I'm wearing...Both are equally comfy..I much prefer sexy shoes/ heels.I have like a 3 cupboards of bags and shoes .
7. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I am veyr photogenic so that 'll be me in the picture . Thanks and me on the posters and the billboards too.
8. What was the last movie you watched?
Harry Potter . It was so boring that i fell asleep in the cinema and wasted my $9.50...
9. Do any of your friends have children?
Yeap and they loved me.
10. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
Moi? Lazy? Never!!!
11. Do you ever take medication to make you fall asleep faster?
No .never.
12. What CD is currently in your CD player?
Travis and Linkin Park .
13. Do you prefer regular milk or chocolate milk?
Both, so long as they are full-fat and creamy!
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
I've heard a few things I prolly shouldn't repeat on pain of death...
15. Have you ever given someone a hickey?
16. Who was the last person to call you?
Me breast friend , Fiza.
17. Do you think people talk about you behind your back?
You've got to be pretty naive to believe that never happens...Basically, if someone bitches about other people behind their backs, they're prolly doing the same to you too. Having said that, most of my close friends would never say anything behind my back they wouldn't dare say to my face (and vice versa)...That's why they're me chums!
18. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
I still do!!! LOL
19. How many siblings do you have?
A brother 7 years younger than me, and several honourary sisters by virtue of very strong friendship.
20. Are you shy around the opposite sex?
I can pretend to be .
21. What movie do you know every line to?
None.Could have been Trainspottting perhaps but i just don't stand Irvine Welsh Edinburgh 's accent. It's like this : " Tie readin' hs boks ard ya wil' know wy tad wat her writs annd ya 'be ' havic aar hard timny readin' it ya ! i hadd to writt evy liner to unnstod wat he was tryer to sayer. "
22. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Um does Hashish count as a band t-shirt ??but if anyone wants t-shirts designing, I'm the woman for the job!
23. What is your favorite salad dressing?
I love my Balsamic vinegar with goat cheese, garlic croutons ,Blue Cheese, Honey Mustard, French, Olive Oil with Balsamic Vinegar, all make rabbit food more appealing to me. Basically i will add like half a bowl of balsamic Vinegar to dip my bread and steak and chicken slices into it . It is the italian side of me . haha
I grew up on spaghetti and pizza . Yes blame my mum and aunty for cooking all these for me. Its never my fault. I never like Chinese food. I still hate it. Gimme my foie gras and cheese fondue and Kebabs anytime.
24. Do you read for fun?
I always have my head buried in a book...I'll read anything, me...Sometimes, I think I read a little too fast 'cos I keep running out of books to devour! I go Borders on a good day and i finish 20 magazines and 5 books at a time! Every week ....Now i am into Aristotle and Philosophy ....
25. Do you cry a lot?
Not lately unless you bully me...
26. Who was the last person to text message you?
Fiza lor ...complaining to me about her relationship spubbles. On a brighter note, I have also been informed that I get 1200 free text messages this month...Whoopee!!! Let's flex them fingers!
27. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
I have 3 desktops at home. 2 high-end pooters for working on (sort of), and one other lying around waiting to be cannibalised for spare parts.
28. Are you currently wanting any tattoos or piercings?
Addicted to piercings...Used to have a pink metal bar on my belly button (i still have the metal bar i tot i threw it away ) , and 2 rings through the top of my left ear and 1 ring on right ear.
I do, however, plan to get another tattoo on my front belly . To add to my beautiful collection . I'll be using a searched from internet "tribal design" in this image, but in blue with white highlights, and with the wispy vine a little extended so it reaches down to my bottom, and curls seductively around that new little pink-coloured butterfly-shaped tattoo on my left of lower back.
29. What is the weather like?
Ho hum...Hot and humid...Believe me, it won't last.Then raining when you just about to leave the house and office.
30. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos?
Of course. It is my fantasy . Provide they are less than 33 years old amd depends on how tasteful the designs are. But strictly No cartoons or pictures of Kermit the Frog or Bart Simpson.
31. Is sex before marriage wrong?
Only if you think it is.
(Or if you're still a kid!)
32. When was the last time you slept on the floor?
Yesterday when I had a fight with the dog . He won and he kicked me off the bed ...Does that count?
33. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
24 x 7...The only time I ever accomplish anything note-worthy is in my dreams...Once awake, my brain immediately takes itself off on vacation.
34. Are you in love or lust?
35. Are your days full and fast-paced?
At the moment, yes...It's just how I like it. Being busy makes me feel me a sense of achievement.
36. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages?
You mean they have calories info on that ?? I only look at the flavour and the expiry dates and the price tags .
37. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
I will be 31 in September...Getting old is contagious.
38. Are you picky about spelling or grammar?
Yes, as you can tell from my homepage and blogs.and i always correct other people's pronounciation until they are fucking fed up of me.
39. Have you ever been to Six Flags?
Nope not the one in california . Instead i chose to go to Anaheim disneyland though and sneak into Minnie mouse house when she wasn't looking and took many pictures . I had long hair until the buttocks that time . Perhaps 13 years old .I went USA with my mummy and brother.
40. Do you get along better with members of the same sex or the opposite sex?
I get along with to equal numbers of both...I tend to be really wary of men to begin with, but once it's obvious that they're either gay, non-pervs, or totally in love with someone else, I find that they make really brilliant mates...sometimes better than female friends...They're more laid back (mostly), more fun, make more sense, and usually share more of the same interests with me than women...I always wish I had more brothers.
41. Do you like cottage cheese?
It's alright, but I prefer other kinds of cheese (lame humour not included).
42. Do you sleep on your side, tummy or back?
All three. I perform several of my best acrobatic feats in my sleep.
43. Have you ever bid for something on eBay?
I am worried that people will cheat me of my $20. One guy most certainly ask me for money to invest say $200 and kept pestering me to buy his Made in Germany beauty cream .
44. Do you enjoy giving hugs?
I only give hugs to the love of my life... tightly,
Hey Steven , i know you are reading this and smiling (giggling ) to yourself.
45. What song did you last sing out loud?
Pussycat dolls buttons and Rihanna Umbrella.
46. What is your favorite television show?
You really don't know what you're asking of me...How am I supposed to choose one out of all these channels?
I'm still a fan of Buffy/Angel, Roswell High, Father Ted, Fools & Horses, League of Gentlemen, Black Adder, X Files, Friends, Ally McBeal, Red Dwarf (see what I mean?), Little Britain, Da Ge Da (Taiwanese programme), but am currently into 24 (my adrenaline fix), Corrie, Dr Who, Gadget Show, and Top Gear...Oh, the list is endless...I also love documentaries, and thought Brainiac was brilliant.
47. Which celebrity, dead or alive, would you want to have lunch with?
At the moment, Pamela Anderson, i like to see her breasts.
48. Last time you had butterflies in your stomach?
Everytime I think of Steven , my boyfriend, ...More than 30 days on, and he's still my sweetie!
(But geez, does he snore!!!)
49. Name one thing do you wish you had?
Er...magic powers?
Wishful thinking aside, I'll settle for anything from my Wishlist...Did I mention it'll be my birthday soon? Plenty of time for you to get me something...Just click the TTIW button in the sidebar on the right.
50. Favorite song lyrics?
Travis - Closer
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