Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Lessons on Life

This is a long one, enjoy.

Divinity. Here inlays the key to human existence. Without divinity humankind has no purpose, no goals in which to strive onward through time. In the mere millisecond, from a universe perspective, that humans have existed, the human mind has grown into a complexity unbeknownst in the history of the Earth. The undeniable intervention of some form of divinity must have occurred, but why now? 13.7 billion years after all existence began, space-time as we know it from the remnants of the “Big Bang.” Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation left over from time 0. Absolute Zero time just before the Planck Era when this Microwave Radiation was the most intense of hot Gamma Rays pulsing through a universe immensely smaller than any sub-atomic particle, and yet containing in it everything we can possibly think of. Earth being roughly 1/3 the age of the universe and yet the capability of understanding where the universe is, how old it is, has only just happened. A momentous time! So where is this divinity? The ultimate dependency for our survival as a race, a part of this Earth, which is just another rock traveling along through space and time with the expansion of the universe, divinity, which is the sole reason why humans exist as well as the entire universe.

Perspective. A lost word in the big scheme of things. Here we travel on Earth taking six minutes to get 6 miles on a road, in which time we have traveled about 100 miles due to Earth’s rotation, in which time we have traveled 7,200 miles revolving around the Sun, in which time we have traveled around 54,000 miles revolving around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, in which time we have traveled with our galaxy 134,000 miles in the direction of the Hydra Constellation, in which time the whole Virgo Cluster of Galaxies has traveled an amazing distance, but from our perspective here on Earth, we’ve gone six miles in a car in six minutes. Even so, there are countless gravitational forces at work, jerking us at blinding speeds, but summing up in the one directional vector that our galaxy is actually moving. Everything in this universe is bound by this force, yet the universe expands and accelerates as if the giant clusters of galaxies were mere dust particles on the surface of a speeding train trying to slow it down via friction with the rushing air. The natural order on Earth that we’ve gotten used to constrains us to think locally about these trivial matters, but an infinite complexity emerges when the mind opens up a little to allow for a universal perspective.

Love, Hate and Infinity. Love is infinite because there is no way to measure love without experience. Our first love is always infinite because it has never been experience before. What about our second love? If it’s more powerful than the first then it becomes infinite, but if not then it is quantified. There is now a measuring stick for love where it can be compared to another. Love is comparable, with infinite love being the strongest of human emotions beyond fear, satisfaction, jealousy, happiness, and sadness. But with every Yin there is a Yang, and the Yang for Love is most definitely Hate, and just like Love, Hate is also and more commonly infinite. And even though these emotions are infinite, they grow. And with most human beings on this Earth, Hate dominates just as Man dominates Woman. And here inlays an imbalance.

The Human. A simple star made up of hydrogen fusing into helium and releasing the excess as pure energy traveling outward at the speed of light, is on the verge of dying. The core is unstable as the hydrogen burns out. The balance of gas pressure and gravity denoting the physical size of that star has been tainted and the core collapses into itself struggling for stability. As the core collapses, heat builds up until the helium is able to fuse into Carbon causing intense gas pressure resulting in the great expansion of the star. As the star grows, the surface changes color as it cools down, turning red. But the real action is happening in the core. The core searches for stability, but will never find it. The center of the core become so dense and hot that heavier elements fuse until iron is reached. Fusion past iron is impossible in a star, and it is only the 26th element on our periodic table which includes more than 105 elements. Yet here on Earth, we have an abundance of these heavier elements such as gold, nickel, zinc and mercury to name a few. The star is accelerating to a breaking point where the core can’t fuse any further and the result is an intense explosion of the outer layers. The immense energy released causes all types of atoms to combine and form these heavier elements. We all descend from these elements created in supernovas that cause these atoms to fuse together with the excess energy from the dying star’s blast. Everything in our bodies, from the calcium in our bones to the iron in our blood came from the explosions of these stars. So what does that make us? Here is a direct connection between humankind and the stars. We are more a part of this universe than just some creatures created by God, our relation to our surroundings is direct and we are in fact the universe struggling to understand itself. The physical human being can be summed up by these elements found naturally on Earth resulting from the blasts of dying stars. The mind is the inexplicable part of us that is capable of infinite possibilities.

Consciousness. Wealth, Money, Power, Greed, Jealousy, Hate, and Envy has plagued its way into humanity. Wealth is stemmed from materialism, is it not? On the surface, wealth is money, and with wealth comes power. The desire for wealth, money and power stems from greed, which stems from envy and jealousy. Hate is the result. Deeper down, wealth becomes happiness stemming from being content. Being content derives from ridding oneself of all desires, and power comes from wisdom, understanding and compassion. The result is Love. Wealth has two meanings, and power has two paths, but the complex combinations how much wealth and power one has, and the desires involved in acquiring them, is infinite. So what makes a person good? How can a person be judged as good or bad? Santa Clause counts all naughty acts and all nice acts, and if nice overrides naughty, you get presents. But in the real world where there are real religions and real faiths, most stating that there is an ultimate judge or God who lets those who are good into heaven. What right do any of these religions or deities or stately figures have in telling the universe what is right and what is wrong, when the acts of right and wrong, love and hate, are infinitely complex. The mind is complex and no two are alike. Thoughts race through a million at a time, each one sparking new thoughts and ideas. It is the only freedom that people truly have, and this threatens those who desire power through greed. Those who desire to control. Most governments, businesses and many religions are started by people who have this intense desire, the most dangerous desire in humankind. Control causes wars and murder, and it is drilled into the minds of all civilized humans alike from the day we are born. And here inlays an imbalance.

Infinity. What things are infinite? The universe? The galaxy? The Sun? The Earth? The Oceans? How many water molecules are in the ocean? What about the number of Hydrogen atoms in a star? Although they may seem to be infinite they do have quantities, however improbable it is to measure or count. But take the coastline of Western South America. You drive along a road running along the coast line and you get a quantity in miles for the approximate length of that coastline. You look closer at the coastline and spend a number of years walking along the shore, measuring every nook and cranny with an meter stick and you get a much larger quantity for the length of that coastline. You look even closer and see that even the meter stick gives an approximation. So you spend the rest of your life with a centimeter stick measuring the coastline realizing that the length of the Western South American coastline is actually much longer than when you measured it years in the past with the meter stick. Looking at a small section of the coastline, you see that every bend has to be accounted for, looking even closer you see that every bump on a rock has to be accounted for, and looking microscopically close, you see that every one of those millions of bumps on every one of those millions rocks must be accounted for until you get down to the atoms on the edge of those rocks. So the length the Western South American coastline approaches infinity. The same argument goes with the distance around a small rock you can hold in your hand. So perspective once again ruins certainty.

Belief. Who the hell in their free mind can believe in anything at all? Belief causes constraints, each belief a piece of a straightjacket until there are so many beliefs that one is confined to one place, and one path. Every belief closes the mind off to infinite possibilities otherwise. Belief is certainty in a universe of uncertainties. If we were meant to know everything, we would be animals acting on instinct rather than humans with complex minds.

Possibilities. The answer is yes. Is it possible that there is no creator and that humans came to exist through evolution from apes, that evolved from lungfish, that evolved from single-celled organisms, that came from water and sunlight, resulting from being a certain distance from the Sun, which was cause by the localization of hydrogen, which was probably caused by the explosion of a star? Is it possible that we are here by chance and there is no purpose in humans other than to live here on this world for as long as we can? Is it possible that we were all created by an infinite complexity, or a God and that the whole universe is meant for us? Answering no to any of these questions has a very powerful meaning. If we don’t accept that there are possibilities outside our inherent beliefs, then we are ignorant to them and therefore accept that we have a mind closed to these possibilities. If we can’t have discussions about our thoughts and beliefs without resulting in a circular argument or an end statement leaving out the realm of all possibilities, then we must accept the fact that our minds are shutting out the possibilities otherwise. Any statement must be made with absolute proof and must be able to endure all criticism before it can be worthy enough to be a belief, and even then it may not be absolutely certain.

Balance. Energy can never be created nor destroyed, otherwise there would be an imbalance in the universe. The notion that there was a beginning to the universe seems to clarify this. All energy is transferred or redirected, absorbed or released. When it comes to human emotion, there seems to be something totally different. There is this feeling of complete imbalance between love and hate, and between man and woman. This discomforting feeling that man has the majority of control and power and that hate dominates love seems to be directly related. Why are women in the Middle East forced to wear shroud and treated as though they were objects controlled by men and their desires? Why does it say that Eve was created by one of Adam’s ribs and that she caused original sin in women by biting an apple? Seems like these are inherited beliefs subjugating women to inferiority and empowering men. No doubt these beliefs were formed and instilled by men with the desire to control the mind. Every religion on the surface seems good and filled with love. But every religion has a superiority to all other religions, and it is this conflict that drowns out the love and drenches the world with hate. The notion that one belief is correct and that all others are wrong. It seems like this imbalance in love and hate, and man and woman is rooted in beliefs which have swayed the mind and through history, evolved into what we think today. Male Presidents, Female maids. Male popes, Female nuns. Male war heroes, Female whores. Granted there are occasional exceptions, but not many. Mother Earth is a powerful one, but there is no respect for her by men in power. Through all of this, there seems to be a solid root. The lifeline that nurtures and feeds this imbalance has a direct line traced through history by those few men who had the desire to control people’s minds and lives.

Probability. The thought that humans exist in the first place is mind-numbing. The thought that the individual human exists is insanity. Chaos is infinite in everyone from the moment we are conceived. The probability that our mothers and fathers make love at the perfect moment to allow for our creator sperm, out of millions of others, the slight advantage to penetrate that one egg, out of thousands a woman produces in her life, is immense. After penetrating the egg, there are an outrageous number of possibilities that come into play to make the individual. And then, all the thoughts we are bombarded with as children and all the experiences and challenges we face develop the individual’s character. Every second of every day shapes who we are, what we think, and why. It is as close to impossible as you can get that we as individuals even exist, yet we as a species take that for granted. Some 50,000,000 of these individuals going through a similar probability as all of us, died as a result of World War II. Although, somehow we have these overpopulation problems in areas of the world. We as humans seem to have grown numb to the fact that each individual on this planet has been granted an impossible gift to be a part this world. We tend to see people for what they are physically using judgment and materialism to shape our thoughts, rather than compassion for the fact that these people, all of us, even exist. It is far too easy to label a group and think of death as a statistic rather than the ultimate tragedy, but this is the case. The unnatural death of any human being is the ultimate tragedy because it marks the end of an impossible gift in this world.

Divinity. Closing everything, (thinking of belief, the mind, probabilities, balance, infinity, love and hate, woman and man, perspective, and the human being) the thought of divinity becomes miniscule. Humans have been placed in this universe by the universe, and are undeniably a part of the universe. God has been trained and inherited in many minds as the Creator of everything, but the creator of everything is the universe itself. Humans are made up of complex elements created by intense energies of stars dying. So we are actually the part of the creator understanding the creator. Not far off from many religions. The key to divinity is the mind, infinitely complex and ultimately free. An open mind can unlock doors to infinite possibilities. It is our own divinity that is the key to our own existence. Opening the mind to different perspectives is a means to understanding things that may otherwise seem impossible. Without a means to understand ourselves through conscious thought, there is no point in humanity, and without a means for the universe to understand itself, there is no point in the universe.

Well, I don’t know if this pondering is a silly thing, but I got bored today and started writing. I just figured I’d share some of my thoughts on things.

Thanks for reading, and lots of hugs and kisses and love, of course.

Clarissa Wong

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