Friday, July 28, 2006

My birthday is coming - Sept 4th Darling!!!!

Wish list

Nokia recently announced the latest sleek and stylicious addition to their NSeries, the Nokia N72. This little multimedia dynamo packs quite a punch with its 2.0 megapixel (1600 x 1200 pixels) camera, integrated digital music player, integrated browser, and FM radio. By sliding open the active lens cover you can capture both photos and video clips with one button click. The pearl pink and gloss black versions of the N72 have digital textures on the back, which allows users to personalize the gadget (not sure how, but that's what the announcement claimed).A Nokia rep said, "The Nokia N72 allows you to tailor your multimedia device to match your interests, whether music, imaging or entertainment content, all in a stylish design you will be proud to own."And it looks cool. Really cool.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Shayne performs 'I Believe In A Thing Called Love'
Shayne Ward - Nor Promises

am i soft hearted or what ?
Shayne Ward - Stand By Me

this song makes me cry and cry and cry ....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


This cute little fellow is called the Mu-Bot. It debuted at the 2006 Tokyo Toy fair. With a lot of robot toys and accessories at the fair, this is one of the ones that stood out. The arms of the Mu-Bot are retractable earbuds with the reel inside of the robots body. The audio connector comes out the back like a tail. Other than that, there is not too much to the Mu-Bot. It is a real simple product packaged in a really cute case. I wonder what kind of color options they are going to offer eventually. I think the Mu-Bot would be great in PINK COLOUR!!, but I guess we will have to wait and see.

Lessons on Life

This is a long one, enjoy.

Divinity. Here inlays the key to human existence. Without divinity humankind has no purpose, no goals in which to strive onward through time. In the mere millisecond, from a universe perspective, that humans have existed, the human mind has grown into a complexity unbeknownst in the history of the Earth. The undeniable intervention of some form of divinity must have occurred, but why now? 13.7 billion years after all existence began, space-time as we know it from the remnants of the “Big Bang.” Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation left over from time 0. Absolute Zero time just before the Planck Era when this Microwave Radiation was the most intense of hot Gamma Rays pulsing through a universe immensely smaller than any sub-atomic particle, and yet containing in it everything we can possibly think of. Earth being roughly 1/3 the age of the universe and yet the capability of understanding where the universe is, how old it is, has only just happened. A momentous time! So where is this divinity? The ultimate dependency for our survival as a race, a part of this Earth, which is just another rock traveling along through space and time with the expansion of the universe, divinity, which is the sole reason why humans exist as well as the entire universe.

Perspective. A lost word in the big scheme of things. Here we travel on Earth taking six minutes to get 6 miles on a road, in which time we have traveled about 100 miles due to Earth’s rotation, in which time we have traveled 7,200 miles revolving around the Sun, in which time we have traveled around 54,000 miles revolving around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, in which time we have traveled with our galaxy 134,000 miles in the direction of the Hydra Constellation, in which time the whole Virgo Cluster of Galaxies has traveled an amazing distance, but from our perspective here on Earth, we’ve gone six miles in a car in six minutes. Even so, there are countless gravitational forces at work, jerking us at blinding speeds, but summing up in the one directional vector that our galaxy is actually moving. Everything in this universe is bound by this force, yet the universe expands and accelerates as if the giant clusters of galaxies were mere dust particles on the surface of a speeding train trying to slow it down via friction with the rushing air. The natural order on Earth that we’ve gotten used to constrains us to think locally about these trivial matters, but an infinite complexity emerges when the mind opens up a little to allow for a universal perspective.

Love, Hate and Infinity. Love is infinite because there is no way to measure love without experience. Our first love is always infinite because it has never been experience before. What about our second love? If it’s more powerful than the first then it becomes infinite, but if not then it is quantified. There is now a measuring stick for love where it can be compared to another. Love is comparable, with infinite love being the strongest of human emotions beyond fear, satisfaction, jealousy, happiness, and sadness. But with every Yin there is a Yang, and the Yang for Love is most definitely Hate, and just like Love, Hate is also and more commonly infinite. And even though these emotions are infinite, they grow. And with most human beings on this Earth, Hate dominates just as Man dominates Woman. And here inlays an imbalance.

The Human. A simple star made up of hydrogen fusing into helium and releasing the excess as pure energy traveling outward at the speed of light, is on the verge of dying. The core is unstable as the hydrogen burns out. The balance of gas pressure and gravity denoting the physical size of that star has been tainted and the core collapses into itself struggling for stability. As the core collapses, heat builds up until the helium is able to fuse into Carbon causing intense gas pressure resulting in the great expansion of the star. As the star grows, the surface changes color as it cools down, turning red. But the real action is happening in the core. The core searches for stability, but will never find it. The center of the core become so dense and hot that heavier elements fuse until iron is reached. Fusion past iron is impossible in a star, and it is only the 26th element on our periodic table which includes more than 105 elements. Yet here on Earth, we have an abundance of these heavier elements such as gold, nickel, zinc and mercury to name a few. The star is accelerating to a breaking point where the core can’t fuse any further and the result is an intense explosion of the outer layers. The immense energy released causes all types of atoms to combine and form these heavier elements. We all descend from these elements created in supernovas that cause these atoms to fuse together with the excess energy from the dying star’s blast. Everything in our bodies, from the calcium in our bones to the iron in our blood came from the explosions of these stars. So what does that make us? Here is a direct connection between humankind and the stars. We are more a part of this universe than just some creatures created by God, our relation to our surroundings is direct and we are in fact the universe struggling to understand itself. The physical human being can be summed up by these elements found naturally on Earth resulting from the blasts of dying stars. The mind is the inexplicable part of us that is capable of infinite possibilities.

Consciousness. Wealth, Money, Power, Greed, Jealousy, Hate, and Envy has plagued its way into humanity. Wealth is stemmed from materialism, is it not? On the surface, wealth is money, and with wealth comes power. The desire for wealth, money and power stems from greed, which stems from envy and jealousy. Hate is the result. Deeper down, wealth becomes happiness stemming from being content. Being content derives from ridding oneself of all desires, and power comes from wisdom, understanding and compassion. The result is Love. Wealth has two meanings, and power has two paths, but the complex combinations how much wealth and power one has, and the desires involved in acquiring them, is infinite. So what makes a person good? How can a person be judged as good or bad? Santa Clause counts all naughty acts and all nice acts, and if nice overrides naughty, you get presents. But in the real world where there are real religions and real faiths, most stating that there is an ultimate judge or God who lets those who are good into heaven. What right do any of these religions or deities or stately figures have in telling the universe what is right and what is wrong, when the acts of right and wrong, love and hate, are infinitely complex. The mind is complex and no two are alike. Thoughts race through a million at a time, each one sparking new thoughts and ideas. It is the only freedom that people truly have, and this threatens those who desire power through greed. Those who desire to control. Most governments, businesses and many religions are started by people who have this intense desire, the most dangerous desire in humankind. Control causes wars and murder, and it is drilled into the minds of all civilized humans alike from the day we are born. And here inlays an imbalance.

Infinity. What things are infinite? The universe? The galaxy? The Sun? The Earth? The Oceans? How many water molecules are in the ocean? What about the number of Hydrogen atoms in a star? Although they may seem to be infinite they do have quantities, however improbable it is to measure or count. But take the coastline of Western South America. You drive along a road running along the coast line and you get a quantity in miles for the approximate length of that coastline. You look closer at the coastline and spend a number of years walking along the shore, measuring every nook and cranny with an meter stick and you get a much larger quantity for the length of that coastline. You look even closer and see that even the meter stick gives an approximation. So you spend the rest of your life with a centimeter stick measuring the coastline realizing that the length of the Western South American coastline is actually much longer than when you measured it years in the past with the meter stick. Looking at a small section of the coastline, you see that every bend has to be accounted for, looking even closer you see that every bump on a rock has to be accounted for, and looking microscopically close, you see that every one of those millions of bumps on every one of those millions rocks must be accounted for until you get down to the atoms on the edge of those rocks. So the length the Western South American coastline approaches infinity. The same argument goes with the distance around a small rock you can hold in your hand. So perspective once again ruins certainty.

Belief. Who the hell in their free mind can believe in anything at all? Belief causes constraints, each belief a piece of a straightjacket until there are so many beliefs that one is confined to one place, and one path. Every belief closes the mind off to infinite possibilities otherwise. Belief is certainty in a universe of uncertainties. If we were meant to know everything, we would be animals acting on instinct rather than humans with complex minds.

Possibilities. The answer is yes. Is it possible that there is no creator and that humans came to exist through evolution from apes, that evolved from lungfish, that evolved from single-celled organisms, that came from water and sunlight, resulting from being a certain distance from the Sun, which was cause by the localization of hydrogen, which was probably caused by the explosion of a star? Is it possible that we are here by chance and there is no purpose in humans other than to live here on this world for as long as we can? Is it possible that we were all created by an infinite complexity, or a God and that the whole universe is meant for us? Answering no to any of these questions has a very powerful meaning. If we don’t accept that there are possibilities outside our inherent beliefs, then we are ignorant to them and therefore accept that we have a mind closed to these possibilities. If we can’t have discussions about our thoughts and beliefs without resulting in a circular argument or an end statement leaving out the realm of all possibilities, then we must accept the fact that our minds are shutting out the possibilities otherwise. Any statement must be made with absolute proof and must be able to endure all criticism before it can be worthy enough to be a belief, and even then it may not be absolutely certain.

Balance. Energy can never be created nor destroyed, otherwise there would be an imbalance in the universe. The notion that there was a beginning to the universe seems to clarify this. All energy is transferred or redirected, absorbed or released. When it comes to human emotion, there seems to be something totally different. There is this feeling of complete imbalance between love and hate, and between man and woman. This discomforting feeling that man has the majority of control and power and that hate dominates love seems to be directly related. Why are women in the Middle East forced to wear shroud and treated as though they were objects controlled by men and their desires? Why does it say that Eve was created by one of Adam’s ribs and that she caused original sin in women by biting an apple? Seems like these are inherited beliefs subjugating women to inferiority and empowering men. No doubt these beliefs were formed and instilled by men with the desire to control the mind. Every religion on the surface seems good and filled with love. But every religion has a superiority to all other religions, and it is this conflict that drowns out the love and drenches the world with hate. The notion that one belief is correct and that all others are wrong. It seems like this imbalance in love and hate, and man and woman is rooted in beliefs which have swayed the mind and through history, evolved into what we think today. Male Presidents, Female maids. Male popes, Female nuns. Male war heroes, Female whores. Granted there are occasional exceptions, but not many. Mother Earth is a powerful one, but there is no respect for her by men in power. Through all of this, there seems to be a solid root. The lifeline that nurtures and feeds this imbalance has a direct line traced through history by those few men who had the desire to control people’s minds and lives.

Probability. The thought that humans exist in the first place is mind-numbing. The thought that the individual human exists is insanity. Chaos is infinite in everyone from the moment we are conceived. The probability that our mothers and fathers make love at the perfect moment to allow for our creator sperm, out of millions of others, the slight advantage to penetrate that one egg, out of thousands a woman produces in her life, is immense. After penetrating the egg, there are an outrageous number of possibilities that come into play to make the individual. And then, all the thoughts we are bombarded with as children and all the experiences and challenges we face develop the individual’s character. Every second of every day shapes who we are, what we think, and why. It is as close to impossible as you can get that we as individuals even exist, yet we as a species take that for granted. Some 50,000,000 of these individuals going through a similar probability as all of us, died as a result of World War II. Although, somehow we have these overpopulation problems in areas of the world. We as humans seem to have grown numb to the fact that each individual on this planet has been granted an impossible gift to be a part this world. We tend to see people for what they are physically using judgment and materialism to shape our thoughts, rather than compassion for the fact that these people, all of us, even exist. It is far too easy to label a group and think of death as a statistic rather than the ultimate tragedy, but this is the case. The unnatural death of any human being is the ultimate tragedy because it marks the end of an impossible gift in this world.

Divinity. Closing everything, (thinking of belief, the mind, probabilities, balance, infinity, love and hate, woman and man, perspective, and the human being) the thought of divinity becomes miniscule. Humans have been placed in this universe by the universe, and are undeniably a part of the universe. God has been trained and inherited in many minds as the Creator of everything, but the creator of everything is the universe itself. Humans are made up of complex elements created by intense energies of stars dying. So we are actually the part of the creator understanding the creator. Not far off from many religions. The key to divinity is the mind, infinitely complex and ultimately free. An open mind can unlock doors to infinite possibilities. It is our own divinity that is the key to our own existence. Opening the mind to different perspectives is a means to understanding things that may otherwise seem impossible. Without a means to understand ourselves through conscious thought, there is no point in humanity, and without a means for the universe to understand itself, there is no point in the universe.

Well, I don’t know if this pondering is a silly thing, but I got bored today and started writing. I just figured I’d share some of my thoughts on things.

Thanks for reading, and lots of hugs and kisses and love, of course.

Clarissa Wong

Lessons on Life

This is a long one, enjoy.

Divinity. Here inlays the key to human existence. Without divinity humankind has no purpose, no goals in which to strive onward through time. In the mere millisecond, from a universe perspective, that humans have existed, the human mind has grown into a complexity unbeknownst in the history of the Earth. The undeniable intervention of some form of divinity must have occurred, but why now? 13.7 billion years after all existence began, space-time as we know it from the remnants of the “Big Bang.” Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation left over from time 0. Absolute Zero time just before the Planck Era when this Microwave Radiation was the most intense of hot Gamma Rays pulsing through a universe immensely smaller than any sub-atomic particle, and yet containing in it everything we can possibly think of. Earth being roughly 1/3 the age of the universe and yet the capability of understanding where the universe is, how old it is, has only just happened. A momentous time! So where is this divinity? The ultimate dependency for our survival as a race, a part of this Earth, which is just another rock traveling along through space and time with the expansion of the universe, divinity, which is the sole reason why humans exist as well as the entire universe.

Perspective. A lost word in the big scheme of things. Here we travel on Earth taking six minutes to get 6 miles on a road, in which time we have traveled about 100 miles due to Earth’s rotation, in which time we have traveled 7,200 miles revolving around the Sun, in which time we have traveled around 54,000 miles revolving around the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, in which time we have traveled with our galaxy 134,000 miles in the direction of the Hydra Constellation, in which time the whole Virgo Cluster of Galaxies has traveled an amazing distance, but from our perspective here on Earth, we’ve gone six miles in a car in six minutes. Even so, there are countless gravitational forces at work, jerking us at blinding speeds, but summing up in the one directional vector that our galaxy is actually moving. Everything in this universe is bound by this force, yet the universe expands and accelerates as if the giant clusters of galaxies were mere dust particles on the surface of a speeding train trying to slow it down via friction with the rushing air. The natural order on Earth that we’ve gotten used to constrains us to think locally about these trivial matters, but an infinite complexity emerges when the mind opens up a little to allow for a universal perspective.

Love, Hate and Infinity. Love is infinite because there is no way to measure love without experience. Our first love is always infinite because it has never been experience before. What about our second love? If it’s more powerful than the first then it becomes infinite, but if not then it is quantified. There is now a measuring stick for love where it can be compared to another. Love is comparable, with infinite love being the strongest of human emotions beyond fear, satisfaction, jealousy, happiness, and sadness. But with every Yin there is a Yang, and the Yang for Love is most definitely Hate, and just like Love, Hate is also and more commonly infinite. And even though these emotions are infinite, they grow. And with most human beings on this Earth, Hate dominates just as Man dominates Woman. And here inlays an imbalance.

The Human. A simple star made up of hydrogen fusing into helium and releasing the excess as pure energy traveling outward at the speed of light, is on the verge of dying. The core is unstable as the hydrogen burns out. The balance of gas pressure and gravity denoting the physical size of that star has been tainted and the core collapses into itself struggling for stability. As the core collapses, heat builds up until the helium is able to fuse into Carbon causing intense gas pressure resulting in the great expansion of the star. As the star grows, the surface changes color as it cools down, turning red. But the real action is happening in the core. The core searches for stability, but will never find it. The center of the core become so dense and hot that heavier elements fuse until iron is reached. Fusion past iron is impossible in a star, and it is only the 26th element on our periodic table which includes more than 105 elements. Yet here on Earth, we have an abundance of these heavier elements such as gold, nickel, zinc and mercury to name a few. The star is accelerating to a breaking point where the core can’t fuse any further and the result is an intense explosion of the outer layers. The immense energy released causes all types of atoms to combine and form these heavier elements. We all descend from these elements created in supernovas that cause these atoms to fuse together with the excess energy from the dying star’s blast. Everything in our bodies, from the calcium in our bones to the iron in our blood came from the explosions of these stars. So what does that make us? Here is a direct connection between humankind and the stars. We are more a part of this universe than just some creatures created by God, our relation to our surroundings is direct and we are in fact the universe struggling to understand itself. The physical human being can be summed up by these elements found naturally on Earth resulting from the blasts of dying stars. The mind is the inexplicable part of us that is capable of infinite possibilities.

Consciousness. Wealth, Money, Power, Greed, Jealousy, Hate, and Envy has plagued its way into humanity. Wealth is stemmed from materialism, is it not? On the surface, wealth is money, and with wealth comes power. The desire for wealth, money and power stems from greed, which stems from envy and jealousy. Hate is the result. Deeper down, wealth becomes happiness stemming from being content. Being content derives from ridding oneself of all desires, and power comes from wisdom, understanding and compassion. The result is Love. Wealth has two meanings, and power has two paths, but the complex combinations how much wealth and power one has, and the desires involved in acquiring them, is infinite. So what makes a person good? How can a person be judged as good or bad? Santa Clause counts all naughty acts and all nice acts, and if nice overrides naughty, you get presents. But in the real world where there are real religions and real faiths, most stating that there is an ultimate judge or God who lets those who are good into heaven. What right do any of these religions or deities or stately figures have in telling the universe what is right and what is wrong, when the acts of right and wrong, love and hate, are infinitely complex. The mind is complex and no two are alike. Thoughts race through a million at a time, each one sparking new thoughts and ideas. It is the only freedom that people truly have, and this threatens those who desire power through greed. Those who desire to control. Most governments, businesses and many religions are started by people who have this intense desire, the most dangerous desire in humankind. Control causes wars and murder, and it is drilled into the minds of all civilized humans alike from the day we are born. And here inlays an imbalance.

Infinity. What things are infinite? The universe? The galaxy? The Sun? The Earth? The Oceans? How many water molecules are in the ocean? What about the number of Hydrogen atoms in a star? Although they may seem to be infinite they do have quantities, however improbable it is to measure or count. But take the coastline of Western South America. You drive along a road running along the coast line and you get a quantity in miles for the approximate length of that coastline. You look closer at the coastline and spend a number of years walking along the shore, measuring every nook and cranny with an meter stick and you get a much larger quantity for the length of that coastline. You look even closer and see that even the meter stick gives an approximation. So you spend the rest of your life with a centimeter stick measuring the coastline realizing that the length of the Western South American coastline is actually much longer than when you measured it years in the past with the meter stick. Looking at a small section of the coastline, you see that every bend has to be accounted for, looking even closer you see that every bump on a rock has to be accounted for, and looking microscopically close, you see that every one of those millions of bumps on every one of those millions rocks must be accounted for until you get down to the atoms on the edge of those rocks. So the length the Western South American coastline approaches infinity. The same argument goes with the distance around a small rock you can hold in your hand. So perspective once again ruins certainty.

Belief. Who the hell in their free mind can believe in anything at all? Belief causes constraints, each belief a piece of a straightjacket until there are so many beliefs that one is confined to one place, and one path. Every belief closes the mind off to infinite possibilities otherwise. Belief is certainty in a universe of uncertainties. If we were meant to know everything, we would be animals acting on instinct rather than humans with complex minds.

Possibilities. The answer is yes. Is it possible that there is no creator and that humans came to exist through evolution from apes, that evolved from lungfish, that evolved from single-celled organisms, that came from water and sunlight, resulting from being a certain distance from the Sun, which was cause by the localization of hydrogen, which was probably caused by the explosion of a star? Is it possible that we are here by chance and there is no purpose in humans other than to live here on this world for as long as we can? Is it possible that we were all created by an infinite complexity, or a God and that the whole universe is meant for us? Answering no to any of these questions has a very powerful meaning. If we don’t accept that there are possibilities outside our inherent beliefs, then we are ignorant to them and therefore accept that we have a mind closed to these possibilities. If we can’t have discussions about our thoughts and beliefs without resulting in a circular argument or an end statement leaving out the realm of all possibilities, then we must accept the fact that our minds are shutting out the possibilities otherwise. Any statement must be made with absolute proof and must be able to endure all criticism before it can be worthy enough to be a belief, and even then it may not be absolutely certain.

Balance. Energy can never be created nor destroyed, otherwise there would be an imbalance in the universe. The notion that there was a beginning to the universe seems to clarify this. All energy is transferred or redirected, absorbed or released. When it comes to human emotion, there seems to be something totally different. There is this feeling of complete imbalance between love and hate, and between man and woman. This discomforting feeling that man has the majority of control and power and that hate dominates love seems to be directly related. Why are women in the Middle East forced to wear shroud and treated as though they were objects controlled by men and their desires? Why does it say that Eve was created by one of Adam’s ribs and that she caused original sin in women by biting an apple? Seems like these are inherited beliefs subjugating women to inferiority and empowering men. No doubt these beliefs were formed and instilled by men with the desire to control the mind. Every religion on the surface seems good and filled with love. But every religion has a superiority to all other religions, and it is this conflict that drowns out the love and drenches the world with hate. The notion that one belief is correct and that all others are wrong. It seems like this imbalance in love and hate, and man and woman is rooted in beliefs which have swayed the mind and through history, evolved into what we think today. Male Presidents, Female maids. Male popes, Female nuns. Male war heroes, Female whores. Granted there are occasional exceptions, but not many. Mother Earth is a powerful one, but there is no respect for her by men in power. Through all of this, there seems to be a solid root. The lifeline that nurtures and feeds this imbalance has a direct line traced through history by those few men who had the desire to control people’s minds and lives.

Probability. The thought that humans exist in the first place is mind-numbing. The thought that the individual human exists is insanity. Chaos is infinite in everyone from the moment we are conceived. The probability that our mothers and fathers make love at the perfect moment to allow for our creator sperm, out of millions of others, the slight advantage to penetrate that one egg, out of thousands a woman produces in her life, is immense. After penetrating the egg, there are an outrageous number of possibilities that come into play to make the individual. And then, all the thoughts we are bombarded with as children and all the experiences and challenges we face develop the individual’s character. Every second of every day shapes who we are, what we think, and why. It is as close to impossible as you can get that we as individuals even exist, yet we as a species take that for granted. Some 50,000,000 of these individuals going through a similar probability as all of us, died as a result of World War II. Although, somehow we have these overpopulation problems in areas of the world. We as humans seem to have grown numb to the fact that each individual on this planet has been granted an impossible gift to be a part this world. We tend to see people for what they are physically using judgment and materialism to shape our thoughts, rather than compassion for the fact that these people, all of us, even exist. It is far too easy to label a group and think of death as a statistic rather than the ultimate tragedy, but this is the case. The unnatural death of any human being is the ultimate tragedy because it marks the end of an impossible gift in this world.

Divinity. Closing everything, (thinking of belief, the mind, probabilities, balance, infinity, love and hate, woman and man, perspective, and the human being) the thought of divinity becomes miniscule. Humans have been placed in this universe by the universe, and are undeniably a part of the universe. God has been trained and inherited in many minds as the Creator of everything, but the creator of everything is the universe itself. Humans are made up of complex elements created by intense energies of stars dying. So we are actually the part of the creator understanding the creator. Not far off from many religions. The key to divinity is the mind, infinitely complex and ultimately free. An open mind can unlock doors to infinite possibilities. It is our own divinity that is the key to our own existence. Opening the mind to different perspectives is a means to understanding things that may otherwise seem impossible. Without a means to understand ourselves through conscious thought, there is no point in humanity, and without a means for the universe to understand itself, there is no point in the universe.

Well, I don’t know if this pondering is a silly thing, but I got bored today and started writing. I just figured I’d share some of my thoughts on things.

Thanks for reading, and lots of hugs and kisses and love, of course.

Clarissa Wong

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Truth about Clarissa

As you all may or may not know, my name is Clarissa Wong A.K.A. Big Boobs/November bikini babe , i decided to re-write my entire life story to give you the down right truth about the real person behind the name. I always find myself bitching every once in a while about how people treat me, how I am human as well and I too have feelings and demand respect. I thought about it for a while and I asked myself, "How can you expect people to treat you like a human being if people don't know the "Real" you? How can you demand respect from everyone when you don't tell the entire truth about who you really are, and what you're all about?"
Well my little darlings, here is now is where it's all going to happen. Think of it as a mini-autobiography about my life and all the shit I've been through. I am very honest, blunt, and very opinionated, therefore I always find myself speaking my mind. So no matter what it is or whom it's associated with, in the end, I always find myself saying......FUCK IT! Life is I'm going to live the way I want and say whatever the fuck it is that's on my mind...and if you don't like what I'm all about or what I have to say....FUCK OFF! Enjoy....
Back when I wasn't even a thought yet, my parents decided to screw one drunken night and had me,Clarissa Wong , 9 months later on Sept 4 1976 . I was born in Singapore. From that moment as we knew it, would all change....

I'd go to school, come home and ride my bike around the park .
I remember glancing out beyond the gates one time and wanting so badly to go outside to play. I remember wanting so much to see what the world was like beyond the gates, beyond all the green trees and leaves surrounding. I wondered how my life would be and how different things would be if only my parents would move.

My brother and I felt the same way....I'm sure my brother especially felt the same, but sadly for some reason....we were not so close, although I always wished that we were....So anyway, we kept bitching to my parents about how badly we wanted to move away. My childhood best friend, Rendy , migrated to Ontario Canada. How we wanted more freedom and be able to live freely. I told myself she is so lucky . To live in a place of multi -cultural diversity . To be frens with the Caucasians.
At the same time I felt a sudden sadness. A sadness for the friends that I'd made and grew up with in that community that I had to now leave behind.
I felt sad that I would be able to discover what freedom really meant while my friends would still be stuck there....all alone. But at least now, a part of my heart will be able to soar like an eagle in the sky. With my new found freedom I will be able to find out more about myself and what life is all about. What a liberating feeling!

Best Friends ?

As times moved on, Baobao and I became insanely close and inseparable. Not a day would pass by where we didn't hang out, laugh, and have a good time together. I remember once when we didn't see each other just for 2 days, Baobao went out and bought me a card saying that he missed me! I thought it was hilarious! Actually, we both thought it was pretty hilarious that we had gotten that close that we couldn't let 2 days pass us without missing one another. It was great!
Baobao and I were such best friends that I remember people started wondering about us. They started asking questions like, "Are you two dating?"
Of course we were like, "Are you kidding us?" But deep down inside somewhere, someway, somehow, I knew that I started to have feelings for him. I mean, at that point, he was the only person in the whole world that I loved so much. So yes, I started falling in love with my best friend,Baobao , but of course, I didn't want to say anything to him about it......yet.......



I sacrificed my heart to chase all of my dreams.
I took the other path, the path nobody sees.
The pain I endured to get where I am...Was hidden from the world....
If you look deep inside my heart and soul...I am really just a girl.
I am me, but no longer....for I have chosen to sacrifice and give myself to you.....
My love for life, for living....I gave myself away.....
But soon you will all see, it was meant to be that way.
I've embraced the changes happening....although at times it's hard to adjust...
I just remind myself....I have a role important role on earth.
To make a positive this fading world today....
If I speak out with my heart....My soul will always stay...
Remember me now for all that I am, because I am only you.
I am your puppet now....just tell me what to do.....
Your messenger I can speak your thoughts through me....
I stand for one for put hope back into that fallen star
I will not let you down....because I do it all for you....
You are my love in life....I want you to know it's true...

Hugs and Kisses ,

Men I Date

I usually wouldn't do this type of stuff cuz I think it's kinda cheesy to write down what type of men I usually go for....but hey....I finally give in. Besides....this might help better my chances of meeting Mr. Right instead of Mr. Right Now! haha! Anyway....I think men are like wine. They only get better with age. I have had my fair share of men in my life so far and I've seen it all and that is how I came to the conclusion that I am extremely attracted to a man who is filled with WISDOM. I'm not interested in how much money you have. I'm not interested in how buff you are or how cool you dress. I'm not interested in how famous you are......I'm just interested in a man who can teach me new things in life that I haven't yet learned on my own. I am young at heart, yet I have an old soul. So any man who can match that is a keeper in my book. Sure I always have my "fun" with younger guys or guys my age.....but there's always something sexier about an older man. He's rough around the edges because he's been through it all. He doesn't play anymore games because it is just childish and he knows the meaning of "love" by now and knows how to appreciate it when it is given. He doesn't have time for insecurites because he's a grown other childish hot "BOY" could ever make him feel threatened as he has something this "boy" doesn't yet have....experience and wisdom....and that gives off a very sexy confidence that no one else could beat....So to sum it all up.....I am very, very much attracted to a man with "WISDOM." That alone will make me swoon.......

Miss Universe Australia - Erin McNaught

Erin McNaught, the Miss Universe Australia pageant is in turmoil after raunchy topless photo shoot of the newly crowned title holder appeared in a men’s magazine. Furious officials yesterday said Erin McNaught was not fit to wear the crown after topless pictures of her were published in men’s magazine Zoo Weekly. They show McNaught, Gold Coast model, in various stages of undress- skimpy underwear, topless or next to nothing.The director of the pageant denied judges had made a mistake in picking McNaught, who is studying for a science degree at the Queensland University of Technology, and insisted she would still go on to represent the country at the international competition in Los Angeles next month.
Erin’s mother, Lin McNaught, said the pictures were taken long before this month’s Miss Australia competition in Melbourne and that organisers had known about them at the time of her entry before Erin was appointed Miss Universe Australia. “The national director knew about that (the nude photographs) before Erin was even appointed Miss Australia. He didn’t have a problem with it,'’ Mrs McNaught said. Mrs McNaught said she had spoken to Mr Davie who denied there was any move to make Perth’s Leah Fuhrmann should be the winner.This did nothing to ease the anger of one judge, Jonathan Westbrook, of Perth, who said neither he nor his colleagues had known about the topless shots.
Pageant judges Cathy Freeman, Jonathan Westbrook, Lillian Frank and Con Diavatiotis and pageant coordinator Deborah Miller say McNaught is not worthy of the Miss Universe Australia title. Mr Westbrook believes the pageant has “descended into a farce”‘ and claims McNaught accepted the winner’s $20,000 diamond tiara and failed to turn up for media and sponsorship commitments in Melbourne last week.
Mr Westbrook said Ms McNaught was not fit to hold the title and accused her of “dragging the contest into the gutter”. “She is not the sort of wholesome role model we are looking for,” he said.Pageant co-ordinator Deborah Miller said Ms McNaught had set a bad example and did not deserve to retain the title. “Yes, I do believe she should have the crown taken from her,” Ms Miller said. “She’s not a role model for young girls.”But pageant director and licensee Jim Davie believes Ms McNaught has done nothing wrong.Another judge, photographer Grant Good endorsed Mr Davie’s view, saying the photos were “tastefully done and, in any case, they were taken before she won. They don’t contravene any rules or regulations.”
Close friends in the modelling industry rallied behind McNaught yesterday, arguing she had been a model ambassador.“To be honest, I haven’t been in contact with her for two weeks because she’s so hard to get in contact with, but this would be disappointing if it’s the case,” a friend and fashion industry businessman said.
Paris Hilton - Turn It Up video
Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind (Version 2)

Paris Hilton -stars are blind lyrics

I don't mind standing sometime
Just hanging here with you
Cause I don't find too many guys
That treat me like you do
Those other guys all wanna take me for a ride
But when I walk they talk of suicide
Some people never get beyond their stupid pride
But you can see the real me inside
And I'm satisfied oh no oh

Even though the guys are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I'll show you mine
I can make you nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul in body
Let's see what this love can do
Baby I'm perfect for you
I could be your confidant
Just one of your girlfriends
But I know that's not what you want
If tommorow the world ends
Why shouldn't we be with the one we really love
Not someone who have you been dreaming of
Why am I alone oh no

Even though the guys are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I'll show you mine
I can make you nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul in body
Let's see what this love can do
Baby I'm perfect for you

Excuse me for feeling
This moment is critical
It might be revealing
We could get physical oh no no no

Even though the guys are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I'll show you mine
I can make you nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul in body
Let's see what this love can do
(Let's see what love can do)
Baby I'm perfect for you
(Baby I'm perfect for you, you)
(Baby I'm perfect for you)
Even though the guys are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
Even though the guys are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
Paris Hilton - Stars Are Blind

Friday, July 14, 2006

my dream skates

The Patriot (355 - Snyder Advantage - Roll Line Giotto)
This is about as good as it gets! This is the top of the line skate.
Riedell 355 Silver Star leather artistic boots. Firm boot for artistic jumping. Provides excellent ankle support, same boot used by professional figure ice skaters.
Snyder Advantage plates.
Roll Line 63mm Giotto figure wheels.
Bones Swiss bearings.

Retail price $1,091.00 price $894.99

its all about skates !

After seeing the StreetSki website I knew immediately that I had to get a pair as soon as possible. Since they arrived I have been using them constantly and they are fantastic. The realism they provide to skiing on snow is incredible and I would highly reccomend anyone interested in the sport to try these out. They are a fantastic dryland training tool and there is no doubt in my mind that they will dramatically improve ski technique and fitness levels for all skiers from the novice right through to the professional. Great job StreetSki."
Sex In Hot Tub - Funny and Erotic Porn
Sex And Zen - Funny and Hot Porn
Asian Girl Dildo Porn

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

10 Free things that you must do in Singapore

1. Raffles Hotel
Raffles Hotel Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Ave price: $486

This is one of the oldest hotel in Singapore. Just go and soak in the atmosphere! Don't be too casually dressed and just walk into the hotel Visit the shops there & don't miss out the toilets! They are gorgeous!

2. Esplanade Theatres on the Bay
Esplanade Theatres on the Bay, Singapore, Singapore
One of the newest places for the arts, Esplanade has an unique appearance and is THE place to go for any performing arts performances! You can also go and browse through the shops and even the library. You can also admire the arts on display!

3. Merlion Park
Not to be confused with the Merlion in Sentosa, this Merlion has been watching over Singapore River since 1972! Recently relocated to an area which is adjacent to One Fullerton, the Merlion now sits proudly in a newly constructed 2,500 square metre park. There is also a Merlion cub and both Merlions sprout out water day and night! Also, it offers an excellent view of the Esplanade Theatres on the Bay. Excellent for photo taking during the day or night!

4. National Library
The flagship library, this newly completed building boost a collection of 530,000 print and non-print materials and is over 7 storeys tall! Free talks are also organised regularly. If not, just walk in and browse!

5. Singapore Botanic Garden
One of the green places in Singapore, it is located near the US embassy in town and is a haven away from the bustling Orchard Road. There are also performances on weekend! Pack some sandwiches and have a picnic there!

6. Little India
Little India, Singapore, Singapore
People watch in Little India. Immerse yourself in the exotic scents and just browse in Little India. You will make lots of wonderful discovery!

7. Queenstown in Singapore,_Singapore
Want to know how typical Singaporean live in? The oldest self contained town in Singapore, Queenstown has lots of old flats and old flavour of Singapore! Just take the MRT, alight and absorb the atmosphere there!

8. Singapore City Gallery
The place to go to know about Singapore! Best thing about it? Catch a bird's eye view of Singapore without climbing up a sky scraper. Enjoy and test yourself with the interactive games! Best of all, entry is free! Visit the website for the address and how to get there!

9. East Coast Park
East Coast Park, Singapore, Singapore
Go there to enjoy the breeze. Walk along the sea. Ogle at the impressive oil tankers. If you have your own skates, bring it along!

10. Marina Bay
The last stop of the MRT North Line, Marina Bay will be undergoing massive renovation soon! In the meantime, this reclaimed area boost to be the home to many steamboat restaurants that offer very cheap seafood! There is also 2 bowling alleys. Lots of open space for kite flying, it is indeed an escape from the bustling city area. It is almost like another world all together. Enjoy it before major building works begin.

Scarlet Boutique Hotel (Singapore)

As far as hotel design goes, Singapore is typically associated with understatement and restraint. But then, most travelers haven't stayed at the Scarlet, tel: (65) 6511 3333.

The Lion City's newest boutique hotel is a testament to the delightful surprises that sometimes occur when people with neither experience nor inhibition try their hand at something new. Opened last month, the 84-room hotel—housed in an immaculately restored 1924 shophouse—is owned by first-time hotelier Geeson Lawadinata, and is the vision of first-time designer Michael Tan, who amazingly professes no formal design training. Not that you can tell. Extravagance is the order of the day, with Venetian crystal chandeliers, Victorian-style wall sconces, beaded lamps and gilded mirrors abounding in a space richly bathed in crimson, gold and black. Textures such as faux snakeskin, suede, silk and organza add gloriously theatrical touches, and the opulence is carried through to the restaurant, Desire.
The Scarlet's luxe in-room amenities include a gourmet minibar and a whirlpool bath. But if that's not enough, check into one of the five suites, named Splendour, Passion, Opulent, Lavish and Swank. Understated they are not.

Le Meridian Changi Hotel

Le Meridien Changi Hotel

Le Meridien changi Hotel

Hotel 82

I like to visit hotels all round the world .I shall start with hotels in Singapore .
The first thing i do when i go into any hotel , be it in London , Thailand , Hatyai , Sentosa or Singapore , is to look for the swimming pool , then the restaurants .I love swimming and suntanning by the pool and doing aqua gymnastics and diving .

The pools in London hotels are indoor and heated pools and they usually have a jazzy jacuzzi where guys and gals can mingle together and the pools also have underwater music !!
I think the pool size and decor says alot about the Hotel itself .

Singapore hotels >>>
1) My very favourite >> Rasa Sentosa Shangri-La Hotel (at Sentosa obviously ).
Nice green environment and exciting water games in the pool at 12pm on sunday .
I always swim at this hotel every weekend and not get caught . ha ha ha .

2) The Ritz Carlton hotel in Singapore >> pool is too small and plain.needs renovation.

3) The Hilton hotel in Singapore >> the rooftop pool needs SeriouS renovation.

4)The Fragrance Hotel in Selegie Road >> the rooftop pool is nice and has nice view.

5)The Four Seasons in Singapore >>the rooftop pool has nice trees and foliage. good view of the many condominiums in the Orchard area.

6) Hotel 81 >> sorry no swimming pool for this budget hotel chain. $20 for 2 hours . Good value for money .
Grohe bath showers and free edibles and soccer matches from ESPN included too ...

7) Raffles Hotel >> i cant find the swimming pool . alas it is at the roof top !
haiya .....

8) Intercontinenal hotel at Bugis Junction >> need a hotel card to get into the pool .

9) Swissotel Stamford >> the sunday crowd consists of bikini clad bronzed brazilians , fatty americans eating french fries and europeans with saggy breasts and of coz ; kids . nice pool with nice cosy bar.

10) Fullerton Hotel >> haven't go there yet . its too far from Orchard Road .

11) Hotel 82 >> Coming soon .....hehe .. built and designed by Clarissa Wong & Architects International Pte Ltd .

I like this hotel . >>..>>>...>>>>>...
Le Meridien Changi Village is a modern hotel located quite close to Singapore's airport as well as the Singapore Expo exhibition center and offers minimalist-style luxury in its 380 rooms, as well as plenty of features which would make it appealing to many different kinds of travelers. I love the Italian food there. Nice salad and pizza .
But the fruit punch sucks !
It is so diluted one !!!
I love the outdoor rain shower and the amazing view from the roof -top swimming pool.
Here are some pictures from the Hotel website >>.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Aglio olio and french fries

Se credete il mio bullshit, allora devo dire che siete il mio fedele, leale, lettori. Se scommettete basato sulla mia previsione e perso, allora, è nessuno del mio commercio. Ma se vincete i soldi grandi, patrocinilo prego con un anno che webhosting. (Italian)

Si vous croyez ma connerie, alors je dois dire que vous êtes mon fidèle, fidèle, lecteurs. Si vous pariez basé sur ma prévision et perdu, puis, elle est rien mes affaires. Mais si vous gagnez le grand argent, svp commanditez-moi avec un an webhosting.(French)

Sex + Italians + world cup = 2006

I have Fabio Cannavaro, the player from Italy to thank for the surge in traffic this past one month. So many women wanted to bed him and said so in my comment board. Fabio said he attributed his prowress on the field due to good pasta, good sex and good sleep, courtesy of his wife. Mucho gracias, Fabio!

I have Simon to thank for, for giving me this Luis Figo’s name. I thumbed through Yahoo Official Fifa World Cup 2006 website and found not a single Portugal player that looks good.

I dare not ask my dear Baobao who is the most handsome player from the German team. If you know of better looking (older) German player, tell me.
Finally…the man of the moment >>>>>>>Zig Zag
He he .........Zidane lah ......

A name that had been playing in my ears for the past few years. He is one of the reason why I like bald men. But waitaminit, I don’t know if the below picture is the Zidane I am talking about. LOL. But this is handsome, so?

Naked Cristiano Ronaldo

I received a couple of emails proclaiming Cristiano Ronaldo the hottest dude in the World Cup. Attached were a plethora of pictures of Cristiano…shirtless ones too, mind you. I have no idea how old these pictures are but I’ll post them because remember I do this for you ladies!!!

World Cup + Sex in Germany

When Germany's resurgent soccer team takes the pitch these days, the country shuts down. People cut work and don Michael Ballack jerseys. The streets go quiet. No wonder Berlin's prostitutes were irritable on Saturday.
The afternoon of the Germany-Sweden game, I paid 70 euros to enter the Artemis sauna club, what may be Europe's best-known and most luxurious brothel. Artemis is a four-story, 4,000-square-meter establishment tucked behind a tire shop and 10 lanes of highway traffic. Once I entered the building, I was promised up to 80 "Erotik and Maximum Girls." There were also two screening rooms for hardcore German pornography. But the real reason I had come here is that one of Artemis' cinemas had been converted into an X-rated fan zone. This, I thought, would be the perfect place to watch Germany try to advance to the final eight of the World Cup.
In Europe, the beautiful game is sexy. Soccer's big stars are pheromonal icons who date supermodels. Cheerleaders, some of them topless, gyrate on stages at FIFA-sponsored World Cup events. Even the rhythm of well-played soccer, with its mounting tension of parries and thrusts that crescendos in the release of a goal, mimics that most intimate of acts.
And then there's prostitution, legal in Germany since 2002. The multibillion-dollar industry is now taxed and regulated by the government and, reportedly, safer and cleaner than ever. That didn't stop the U.S. State Department from issuing a warning about sex trafficking in Germany during the World Cup. Several anti-prostitution groups circulated reports that Eastern European pimps were set to flood the country with prostitutes. They blamed mega-brothels like Artemis, in particular, for increasing demand for sex workers of all types.
At the door, a smiling hostess ordered me to strip down and put on a bathrobe. In the pristine locker room, a female singer trilled, "Just one of them days that a girl goes through," before advising me not to "take it personal." Fair warning. In Artemis' upstairs lounge, a dark expanse of leather couches, garish paintings, and zebra-skin beds, a dozen naked girls and about 30 johns milled about in various stages of flirtatious deceit.
Descending a spiral staircase to the brothel's lower level, which features a weight room, tanning beds, and an outdoor patio, I spotted a blond sitting naked across from an indoor swimming pool. I approached her, hoping to strike up a conversation about soccer with a German girl.
"Do you like football?" I asked her
"I like sex," she said, almost angry.
"Are you German?" I asked.
"I am Russian. I like sex."
"I'm looking for a German girl."
"I am Russian! Do you want sex?!"
"I want football," I whimpered before slinking away.
I had similar exchanges with three other Eastern Europeans. All the German girls, it seemed, had disappeared. Then, I found the cinema that was showing the soccer game. The entire clientele of the brothel, a gang of middle-aged men wearing towels and white robes, had packed into the room. One of them had even smuggled in a noisemaker.
It didn't take long for him to start making a racket. The aggressive German side struck quickly, with 21-year-old Lukas Podolski scoring two goals in the first 12 minutes. The brothel erupted. Four or five pouty prostitutes—at last, the Germans—stalked into the room. A man with a Russian accent barked at them to sit down. They stayed there, in the buff, fixated on the screen. They sat motionless except for the occasional stroking of a breast and quiet except for the muttered "Sheisse" as German star Michael Ballack hit a shot off the goalpost.
I took a stroll through the rest of the club in the 75th minute of the lopsided game. I found only one person. Her name was Rosa. She quickly attached her hand to my bottom. "It hurts me so much to see all the young Americans dying in Iraq," she said with a squeeze. "For what? I would kill Bush if I could."
Rosa had been here for a week. She came from Spain to work during the World Cup. Like most of the other girls, she gives Artemis 80 euros a day to enter the club and sleep here for the night. She negotiates her own prices for transactions beyond the standard 60 euros for a blow job and sex. She keeps all her earnings, paying only tax to the government. She doesn't have a pimp.
Artemis' mulleted public relations manager, Egbert Krumeich, explained that every girl needs to have European Union paperwork and proof of age to work here. He says the government checks the business regularly. Krumeich claims that business picks up when there's a game in town—Artemis averages 180 customers a day, but he says it had 506 after the Brazil-Croatia game. Yet according to press reports, the prostitution frenzy that was supposed to take hold of Germany has yet to materialize.
After two weeks in eight German cities, I'd agree. I've seen no sign of the wooden "sex garages" that were supposed to have been built to service the horny, nor have I spotted any streetwalkers or violent pimps. In Frankfurt's multiblock red-light district, which I'd heard was run by the Hell's Angels, there's nary a renegade biker to be found. Inside one "eros center," a prostitute scoffed at the suggestion, saying the 50-room building was owned by an Israeli businessman.
During the World Cup, it seems, visitors have priorities. "First is soccer," said Krumeich, a former semi-pro footballer himself. "Next is sex." That hierarchy is especially true during Germany games.
In my brothel robe with Rosa's hand on my ass, I suddenly felt out of place. Not because of where I was, but because of what I was missing. Rosa pleaded with me to run off with her while throwing in a few more barbs at "Bush, killer of children and robber of oil." That's tempting, I told her, but it's not why I'm here. I heard the crowd in the cinema ooh and groan and aww, and I knew it was time to get back to the real action.

Naked football fans

What are you to do in a football-mad country if you think the World Cup takes focus away from society’s problems? For three men in Brazil the answer was to stage a protest by walking through the streets naked while their country’s team played Ghana. The only thing wrong with their plan was that the entire country was glued to their televisions and had no time to even glance at some dudes walking down the street with no clothes on.
Not even the police could be bothered.
A local police spokesperson said: “Someone called us to check this out but it was not a violent crime and we were watching the match so we decided not to do anything about it.“They only wanted to get attention, but they couldn’t even get this as everyone was watching the match.”
Another valuable lesson for all us. Don’t walk around naked during World Cup matches in Brazil. And if you do, always wear sunscreen.

My Dream Seeker Yacht with Jacuzzi

A Large outdoor jacuzzi is located on the 3rd deck. Comfortable deck furniture and numerous watercraft toys are located on the 2nd deck for sun-filled days on sunbathing, boating, diving, snorkeling, kayaking, water skiing and wave riding.>>>> I still dreaming >>>>>

Cute Cute Walkiebits from Japan

File this under: only if you're really bored at work. Dynamism, the popular import emporium, has a new and little straight from Japan toy. This tiny plastic turtle crawls around on your desk and if you tap its shell in a rhythm it will repeat the beat back to you. Weighing in at 29 dollars a piece, this makes for a rather expensive office gadget... But it still seems cool.

Quick guys , my birthday is coming !~

Toasty bread

Mummy, i buy for you ok !

Toast... the wonderful food of the fast early A.M. meal. Yet, toast has been a strange and alluding meal. You shove it into the deep dark slots in most toasters and simply wait for it to pop out. Not any more... Releaselog has posted about a new transparent toaster from Inventables made totally out of glass... now we can all see our toast brown and more importantly, no more burnt toast.


How many of you depend on your cellphone for almost everything. Notes, phone numbers and appointments are all kept in that little metal box. This is a great gadget for you, if this is the case.
The CellStik is a backup drive for your cellphone data. It will allow you to back up and transfer cellphone data in a snap. Just buy the appropriate model for your cellphone and push a button. It is small and compact so you can back up your data periodically and then if you need the information, just plug it into your computer's USB port to retrieve what you need.
Visit this site for purchase details>>>

The 12 reasons why UK businesses don't blog

How many companies in the UK are blogging? Not many, it seems, according to a list compiled by Suw Charman . Not many at all. The list isn’t fully comprehensive, but it highlights the dearth of business blogs in the UK, compared to US.
So why is it that UK and European marketers / business folk are ignoring blogs? I reckon it comes down to one of the following reasons…

1 - You don’t understand why you’d want a business blog. Neither does your CEO.
There are all kinds of reasons why you should consider a blog. Do you and your CEO understand the importance of Google on your business? Newsflash: Blogging = SEO. Let your CEO know…

2 - You are the CEO. And you’re not going to allow your minions to blog.
Why not? What are you afraid of? Are your employees so wild that you can’t control what they’ll say? Are they so stupid that they have nothing of interest to say?
Maybe the problem starts with you, Mr Big. You need a corporate blogging policy. There should be limits, of course, but why force employees to blog elsewhere, or not at all? You don’t have a blogging policy since you don’t have a blog, but that’s no reason not to create one.
You’ve been listening to your £5k-a-month PR agency for too long, haven’t you?

3 - You think it is too risky to allow your colleagues to write blog posts.
Maybe it is. But it probably isn’t, with appropriate guidance and a little prior training in the arts of SEO and copywriting.
You set the guidelines, the subject matter, the overall content framework. They will abide by those rules, because that’s what employees are generally good at (the ones who aren’t good at obeying rules tend to become ex-employees rather quickly).
So here’s what you do. You set up some house style rules and moderate posts prior to approval, at least to begin with. Assign somebody to be Blog King, in charge of all content across the blog. Write a ‘how-to blog’ guide and distribute it to those employees / people you want to contribute. Soft launch the blog for a month before making it open to the public.
If you talk about your company news, rather than the subject area in which your company operates, then the best person to write about it is an employee who is closest to the action. Your PR agency is not the best place to look at for this sort of thing.
However, if you are addressing the overall subject matter of your industry / product set, then that’s different… you could consider recruiting a part-time writer to help with content creation.

4 - Your PR agency thinks blogging is a bad move.
Ok, first you need to book a lunch appointment. Then, you can play a game with them. Ask them to explain how Google works. Ask them about RSS. Ask them about anchor text. Ask them to give you some tips on online copywriting. Ask them why blogging would be a bad move, with all the above in mind…
The fact is that most PR agencies are not even vaguely qualified to advise you on blogging, or even about online PR. You might realise this over a long lunch.
So long as the appropriate rules for contributing employees are in place then you shouldn’t worry too much about ‘a single touchpoint for PR activity’, whatever that means.

5 - You mentioned something to the techies. It is in their development schedule.
Dammit, that’s not good enough. Is the dog wagging the tail here? Have you determined how the blog is going to work, or are you leaving this up to them?
Ask them some questions, just like you did with your PR agency. When will it launch? What platform will they use? What are the key technical considerations? If you get blank or vague answers then you’d better grasp that tech bull by its horns…
When it comes to matters internet, savvy marketers and business folk should call the shots, not the techies.

6 - You haven’t figured out who will contribute to the blog, or what you will write about.
This is understandable. You don’t want to spend four hours per day servicing the blog, adding new content, replying to comments. You need somebody else to share the workload, but you’re not sure who to ask.
Have you thought about outsourcing content? Blogging is an investment into PR and SEO. It builds reach and heightens visibility. It solidifies a community, helps you get closer to your customers. It gives you a voice.
You might spend tens of thousands of pounds a month on SEO and PR and TV advertising, so why not consider repurposing some of that investment into your blog?
Remember that not all corporate blog content needs to be about the business. Don't get stuck in the we-are-not-interesting-enough trap.

7 - You can’t see any benefits whatsoever. It would be a waste of time.
There are always exceptions. Blogging might not be perfect for every company. But unless you can outline the key benefits to blogging then this is a lame excuse…

8 - You don’t see any return on investment. It would be a loss leader. We don’t do loss leaders.
How do you measure ROI from blogging? That’s the question. The answer, which is straightforward, lies in a few more questions.
How do you measure ROI from search engine optimisation (SEO)? And how much are you spending on SEO? How do you measure the value of your TV ads, or your offline PR? These are often somewhat intangible. Extrapolation and assumption is the name of the game. If you don’t accurately measure ROI on your TV advertising and PR activities, then why are you so bothered about ROI from blogging?
I think corporate blogging should start with a keyword strategy, just like SEO. Blogs should become a very useful part of your SEO strategy. Then there’s the PR value, with other bloggers writing about and linking to your blog posts.
On top of all that, there’s the ability to take part in conversations with your customers. Just think about the insights these conversations give you, into your website, your products, your TV ad campaign, your customer services, your packaging, your pricing… all this feedback is highly valuable, and with a blog you can avoid paying a research company to unearth customer feedback…

9 - You have no clue about how to set up a blog.
Blogs are easy to set up. You can host them yourself (eg Wordpress, MovableType), or opt for a hosted blog (eg Typepad, Blogger). Your techies will be able to help you figure out what’s best for your organisation. It ain’t rocket science.

10 - You think blogging is all hype / a passing fad / for kids.
Sure it is, whatever you say…

11 - You are happy to ignore blog activity in the US. The US is a totally different environment for this sort of thing.
Ignore it at your peril. The US is a different marketplace to Europe, or the rest of the world, but it isn’t all that different. But hey, it isn’t about marketplaces. If it is about anything, blogging is about increasing search engine visibility. That’s the number one reason – in my book – for blogging. Get with the action! Get visible!

12 - You think blogging isn’t right for your business.
You might be right. But at least be aware of the benefits of blogging before you make this call. Remember that you do not have to talk exclusively about your business on your blog, nor give away any trade secrets. Nobody cares that you got a new printer for your office, and that it makes a whirring noise that is annoying everybody. They do care about what you have to say about subjects relevant to your business, your products, your policies...

Nokia N72 : Rock, Walk and Shoot in Style

Nokia recently announced the latest sleek and stylicious addition to their NSeries, the Nokia N72. This little multimedia dynamo packs quite a punch with its 2.0 megapixel (1600 x 1200 pixels) camera, integrated digital music player, integrated browser, and FM radio. By sliding open the active lens cover you can capture both photos and video clips with one button click. The pearl pink and gloss black versions of the N72 have digital textures on the back, which allows users to personalize the gadget (not sure how, but that's what the announcement claimed).
A Nokia rep said, "The Nokia N72 allows you to tailor your multimedia device to match your interests, whether music, imaging or entertainment content, all in a stylish design you will be proud to own."
And it looks cool. Really cool.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Beauty treat - La Mer

Why 'Nice Guys' Fail With Women?

Have you ever noticed that:

1) The most attractive and interesting women seem to be attracted to men who don't treat them very well?

2) That the "nicer" you are to a woman the more she often seems to act like "just a friend" to you?

What's going on here? Didn't mom say to be "nice" to girls?

Here's the deal: Women aren't usually romantically attracted to "nice" guys. Women are attracted to men who are funny, confident and mysterious. Good looks don't hurt, but if you're not 6'4" tall and model-handsome, then you have to learn how to attract women with your personality.

And being "nice" isn't going to do it for you.

A while back, I mentioned an interesting book that was written about the band "Motley Crue."

Remember those guys?

Well, the book is called The Dirt: Confessions of the Worlds Most Notorious Rock Band. As I read through that book, I realized that these guys have dated more of the world's most attractive women than anyone (except maybe Hugh Hefner).

In case you didn't know, the guys in Motley Crue are not very "nice." They're famous for taking every drug known to man, beating their women, fighting, and having a lot of people die around them.

Now, the first thing most guys say is, "Yeah, but they're rich and famous..."

And this is true, they are rich and famous.

But, and it's a BIG ONE... all of the women that they have dated, married and beaten up are ALSO RICH AND FAMOUS TOO!

These are supermodels and playmates of the year and such. These women can date whoever they want.

Tommy Lee was MARRIED to both Heather Locklear AND Pamela Anderson... remember?

These women didn't need Tommy Lee for his money or his fame... they're dating these guys for some OTHER REASON!

Are you with me on this?

So what's going on here? And more importantly, how can you use this information to be more successful with women and dating?

First of all, don't go out and start taking drugs and beating up your dates. I mean, I know that an occasional woman will drive a man to drink, but I don't recommend going "Motley Crue" on a girl... lol.


I believe:

1) Women make decisions very, very quickly about whether a man is going to be "just a friend" or if he has romantic potential, and once her decision is made, it's probably going to stay made.

2) These decisions are made "subconsciously," meaning that women make all of them quickly and at a "gut level."

3) If you know how, you make her feel attraction feelings rather than "friend" feelings.

4) The way to do it is to stop acting "nice" and start acting, well... something else... and I don't mean "not nice."

So what DOES attract women? And how do you do it exactly?

Good questions...

At the beginning, I mentioned three qualities:

Funny, Confident and Mysterious.

Before I talk about each, I first have to remind you that WOMEN DON'T USUALLY MAKE SENSE.

Remember that.

Here's a good metaphor: Remember when you learned to drive? It all made sense... turn the wheel left and go left, turn it right and go right...

But do you remember when you learned to back up? Backing up was a whole new game. Everything that used to work now works in a different way. At first you feel disoriented. Turn the wheel left and go right... and you have to learn how to maneuver with the back wheels staying straight while the front wheels turn... all with your head turned around.

For most people, this takes some time and practice. But once you "get it" then you can do it anytime you want.

Well, women are very similar. At first it's very confusing. You have to try things that don't seem to make sense. But once you get the hang of it, then you see how it works and can make it work... just like backing up a car.

As much as many women would hate to admit it, there's something very attractive about a man who is just a little more confident than he should be.

And if you combine this with the right amount of humor, you have a magic combination that will charm almost any woman.

Here are a few ways to use this idea:

1) When you first meet a woman, tease her about something. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as you do it early on. For instance, you might say: "So what's with the big purse? Are you carrying a gun in there?" or maybe "Those are some pretty tall shoes, what are you like 4' tall without them?" If you tease a woman, it shows that you're not intimidated by her, and that you have a fun sense of humor. KEY: Make sure you say something FUNNY. If you don't know how to be funny, get a book on it. The test: If she's not laughing, then it wasn't funny!

2) Look around at other things and seem kind of preoccupied when you first start talking to her.

Make your funny remarks with a carefree, detached tone. You want to sound like you're talking to your best friend. Attractive women are approached all the time. It's not attractive to a woman when you look like you've just met Madonna. This "just a little too confident" attitude is very attractive to women... especially when it's combined with humor.

3) Don't answer her questions directly. Women love to ask questions like: "What do you do?" and "Where do you live?" and "Tell me about your family". Answer with funny answers, and don't give her what she wants. Most guys say, "Oh, I'm an engineer" or "I'm a stock broker". BORING,BORING.

If she asks what you do... say, "Oh, funny you should ask. I'm a Calvin Klein Underwear Model... What do you do?..." (This is especially funny if it's OBVIOUS that you are NOT a model) Do you get it? Keep it up and keep her laughing.

It's important to remember that I'm not telling you to be mean, or to be a jerk to women. I'm telling you to start being confident, funny and mysterious.

And I'll talk to you again soon.

Different Massages & Their Benefits

Who doesn't like having their muscles kneaded, prodded and beaten into total relaxation? Massages are a universal practice, every culture boasting their own home-bred technique, and more still are emerging from the new-age health circles.

There are dozens of different types of massages, each one catering to a taste or need. Here are but a handful of them, each of which may appeal to one of three types of man: The lightweight fella, the tough guy, and the mellow, New Age, scented candle, neo-hippie. Pick your poison.

soft massages

Long, smooth strokes with essential oils cover the entire body. There's little pressure in Californian; it's more like an extended, professional caressing session.
Benefits: Full body relaxation and a state of mental bliss. Like its namesake state, this massage is all about chilling out.
Why you need it: If you live under constant mental stress, Californian massage is the perfect way to clear your mind, recharge your batteries and make you forget your worries for a bit.

Esalen targets muscles and the circulatory system with long, gentle, unpredictable strokes and mild stretching. It increases body awareness and induces a meditative state in the recipient.
Benefits: In addition to promoting relaxation of the muscles and nervous systems, Esalen can stimulate lymph and blood vessels to excrete body toxins and stretch connective tissue.
Why you need it: If you live fast and pay minimal heed to your body's well being, this is just what you need to rejuvenate your mortal coil.

Reflex points in the feet and hands branch out to every part of the body, and are accordingly stimulated through targeted pressure. This practice increases circulation and promotes specific bodily and muscular functions.
Benefits: The touted boons of reflexology include physical and emotional improvements, such as increased confidence, motivation and concentration.
Why you need it: If you believe that fiddling with your hands and feet can treat your disorders and boost your self-esteem, by all means go for it. There's actually plenty of anecdotal evidence to support this belief.

Also known as "yoga for the lazy," Thai massage is more like a passive stretching session, wherein the practitioner moves, loosens and stretches joints, starting at the feet and moving up.
Benefits: Thai massage therapists claim that it harmonizes the body to loosen blocks and restores balance to "energy lines."
Why you need it: It improves flexibility, and stimulates overall health and well-being. Good for people who spend most of their time on a chair.

In water shiatsu, the massage recipient is floated in warm water and gently stretched and given acupressure at specific points. The reduced gravity environment gives the masseuse more freedom to move the body.
Benefits: In the water, you become aware of the dynamics between floating and breathing. Controlled respiration allows you to relax more.
Why you need it: If you like the sensation of being pampered while floating, Watsu is the best choice for you.