want to be impassioned, i want to be mad -let us form ourselves a merry band. let us infect each other like pervasive virii, let us subsume, and subvert. from the bed of death let us rise from our lives, reach for the burning skies. :: we are an army of nothing -we are the army of ephemeral dreams. we are words we are fractals we are voices we are giants striding this land, you and i. :: we have come to (s)take what is ours: we shall suck marrow from the bones of the dreamless; we shall call down fire, from a cairn overlooking the future; we shall beat their shin bones on drums of skin; we shall drink their blood like wines, painting our bared grins; a merry riot we shall dance -a celebration; because we have come, we have come, we of dreams, we have come, to tear down this world, build a pyre tall as babel. :: we are endings we are beginnings we are truths we are lies we are mirrors that reveal, you and i :: let us mourn let us rejoice a passing and a birthing in the wake of our madness. :: let us burn, you and i, blinding beacons of madness. :: i hear the voices i hear the call the madness calls :: who heeds the madness call?
What I'm looking for
you open me like fingers clasped in prayer you come into me unfold my fist petal by delicate petal touched by spring :: (i do not know how you unfold my fingers are yours as you open yourself revealed i see my self) :: you open me like a lamp in darkness you come into me stealing softly you light my chamber of echo :: (i do not know how you light my room you move into slowly box by box, bit by bit you unpack and fill my empty with your light) :: you open me like a lock i had but never knew you come into me unlocking me like a piercing key to a me i never lived :: (i do not know how you unlock i do not know how you light i do not know how you unfold :: my locked room of falling petals) :: but :: (thank you)
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