Here's How:
1. Go get groceries. We all have to eat.
2. Coffee shops are notorious for being cozy places to meet people.
3. No one can resist petting the cute puppy you're taking a walk with.
4. Smiling will attract people to you. Looking disinterested will do the opposite.
5. Don't be desperate. Look at dating as a game, not as a test of self-worth.
6. Don't turn down invitations. Be open to new experiences.
7. Group activities are better for meeting people. A man or woman alone can be intimidating.
8. Throw a party. Share expenses with co-hosts, and invite a bunch of single friends.
9. You'll meet more men if you're out rollerblading, biking or running. Sweaty = sexy.
10. Tell all of your friends that you want to be set up.
11. If you see someone you'd like to meet, learn their schedule and arrange to bump into him/her.
12. Ask 'Are you free Saturday?' Then ask for a date. It's the new millenium-- Go for it!
TIPS: One rejection doesn't mean you'll be alone forever. If one person says no, another may say yes.
If you ask someone out, make if for something specific, don't just ask, 'will you go out with me?'
If someone says no, keep your cool. Showing hurt or anger will only make you look foolish.
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