When I met Spencer, he was living with his previous owner Jonathan. Jonathan had put up a notice in Cold Storage Jelita one fine day earlier hoping to find Spencer a home. He didn't expect to hear from anyone so soon! I had seen the notice and called excitedly asking Jonathan if I can go and see the doggie.
Jonathan had to say goodbye to Spencer he had babysat for 2 years. Jonathan stays at Yishun St 22 . I quickly took a cab with Jackie yesterday to Jonathan's house. The house was filled with boxes and boxes of stuff that looked like they had just moved in . The moment I saw the doggie, Spencer, i knew straight away I wanted him. It happened so fast, Jackie asked if maybe I ever wanted to think it over. But I was certain that Spencer is the one for me . When Spencer left to go to his new home with me, it was a happy goodbye. It seems like Spencer don't like his previous owner .Spencer didn't cry at all. He was so happy to leave Jonathan's home. Spencer is very friendly, there was a certain reticence about him at first. He likes to be cuddled. He just loves giving licks and being hugged in return. I adore Spencer and has become "his shadow" following him around the house . I just enjoying being with him.
He is quite mischievous and will hide things around the house. He loves playing soccer and throw ball and going for long walks around the neighbourhood.
As I was talking with Jackie on the phone , Spencer was lying down beside me, listening attentively. I exclaimed several times what a lucky boy Spencer is to be in such a great home. If Spencer could talk, I am sure he would say it was well worth his wait and that my family is just fabulous!